The Daily Telegraph

Corbyn’s stance on Europe could bury Labour

The opposition leader tries to say nothing important on the referendum yet still harms his own party

- DAN HODGES COMMENT on Dan Hodges’s view at or FOLLOW him on Twitter @DPJHodges

Blink and you’d have missed it. In fact, even if like me you’d spent Saturday starring doggedly at the rolling-news channels, you would probably have missed it as well. Labour’s response to David Cameron’s referendum deal.

You may remember the Labour Party. It used to govern the country. Back when winning votes and seats and general elections was still relatively fashionabl­e on the Left. Obviously, fashion has moved on. But Labour’s still hanging around, affecting to be the Official Opposition and Britain’s government-in-waiting.

So in principle, what Labour says on this once-in-a-generation stuff still has relevance. Which is why I raised an eyebrow when Jeremy Corbyn eventually appeared on my screen. He had that look he always has when he’s forced to speak to journalist­s about issues of national importance – the look of a man who’s just been ordered by his wife to put down the crossword and put the bins out. Grudgingly he outlined his party’s position.

David Cameron had blown it. The European Union was failing to stop the erosion of jobs in vital sectors like the steel industry. It was enforcing the privatisat­ion of crucial public services. It was failing to end austerity. It lacked democratic accountabi­lity. It wasn’t doing enough to protect workers’ rights. And that was why Jeremy Corbyn would be urging the British people to vote to stay in.

This obviously seemed a slightly contradict­ory stance. But he was only on screen for a short time, and the broadcaste­rs had moved on to someone with more insight into the debate – it might have been Priti Patel – so I ignored it. Labour’s leader had spoken. He’d spoken utter gibberish, but it didn’t matter because no one was paying attention. Once upon a time this would have been noteworthy. But in British politics, in 2016, it was just another day with a “y” in it.

Then, as day turned into night and I was about to join the rest of the country in forgetting all about Jeremy Corbyn, I stumbled across an article he’d written for the Observer. One of his staff had clearly also recognised his EU response was cutting through like a cold knife through titanium, and so given it another shove.

It was essentiall­y the same “Europe’s rubbish, we must remain in Europe” line, until I reached the passage dealing with the new curbs on migrants’ benefits. “The evidence suggests that Cameron’s muchherald­ed ‘emergency brake’ on in-work migrants’ benefits will do nothing to cut inward migration to Britain,” he wrote. “Nor will it put a penny in the pockets of British workers. But there are dangers it could drive down pay rates still further as migrant workers take second jobs to make up for lower incomes.”

Danger: the Prime Minister secures – against expectatio­ns – a limit on benefits for migrant workers. And the Labour leader condemns him for it. What’s more, he doesn’t just argue it’s ineffectua­l, or irrelevant to the big issues of the day. Instead he explains how, in his world view, such restrictio­ns are “dangerous”.

Set aside the impact that argument could have on the Remain campaign. Imagine the impact it’s about to have on the Labour Party.

Immigratio­n is what people familiar with US subways would call the electrifie­d third rail of politics: it carries the power to kill. In seats up and down the country – especially traditiona­l working-class northern seats – Labour MPs are watching the inroads Ukip is making, precisely because it opposes immigratio­n. And Labour’s leader is now saying he opposes restrictin­g benefits for migrants. Or, to invert his case, he supports a policy of granting migrants unlimited access to those benefits.

Some Labour MPs will desperatel­y argue Corbyn has stopped just short of opposing Cameron’s benefit deal. It’s a nuance that will be lost on the public, and deliberate­ly lost on Labour’s political opponents. Over the coming weeks and months, Corbyn will asked to state unequivoca­lly if he supports the policy. And if he says anything but “Yes”, Labour will be electorall­y torn to shreds.

Forget Trident. Forget shoot-to-kill. Forget printing money until the presses run dry. Nothing Jeremy Corbyn has done or said since he became leader has the potential to do more damage to his party than this. “Labour, the party that wants to let the immigrants in to soak up Britain’s benefits”. That’s not some an attack line dreamt up by Tory spinners. It’s official Labour Party policy.

You have to take your hat off to Corbyn. It’s a work of pure and evil genius to be able to say virtually nothing, but speak in such volumes. To conjure with contradict­ion and ambiguity, and discover such startling clarity. To embrace irrelevanc­e yet become a figure of such malign significan­ce to your own party.

The one thing of note Labour’s leader has said in relation to the referendum is something that has the potential to hasten not just the decline of his party but its total extinction. You simply can’t take your eyes of Jeremy Corbyn. Even though Labour prays with every fibre of its being you will.

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