The Daily Telegraph

Disability benefits do need reforming


On January 31, 692,100 people were receiving a personal independen­ce payment, a benefit intended to help people of working age with some of the extra costs caused by a disability. Around a third were for psychiatri­c illness. PIP is part of a system of disability benefits paid to more than five million people that will cost taxpayers £16.2 billion this year, a sum that is rising as more people qualify for it. The Office for Budget Responsibi­lity forecasts that, unchecked, the cost would reach £18.2 billion in 2021. To slow that rise, ministers will make it harder to qualify for some parts of the PIP. Their changes mean disability spending will rise only to £17.2 billion in 2021.

Many questions arise from this. Why are so many people considered disabled? Is it inevitable or desirable for the sums spent on disability to rise unceasingl­y? More broadly, what limit should be put on welfare spending? George Osborne rightly attempted in 2014 to impose such a cap himself, but has since breached it, partly by backing down on plans to reduce tax credits.

Welfare is often the subject of a political ratchet: money, once given, is hard to take back. Winter fuel payments (created in 1997) and tax credits (1999) are treated by some as untouchabl­e cornerston­es of the 1948 welfare state. And some in the welfare lobby aggressive­ly impugn the motives and morality of those who question this ever-rising spending. They overlook the fact that unless the Government lives within its means and ensures economic growth, none of the benefits that they defend can be provided. Sound management of the public finances is the prerequisi­te for the ability to show compassion and support for those in need.

These arguments could and should be explored in a debate about PIP and the Government’s proposed changes. Unfortunat­ely, the chances of such a reasoned debate are slim, partly because of the way those changes have been announced. Instead of putting them at the forefront of the Budget and offering a measured explanatio­n, they were published separately last Friday afternoon. That may make short-term tactical sense to spin doctors, but it is no way to lead a much-needed national conversati­on about welfare reform.

There is still a case to be made for the Government’s changes to disability benefit. Sadly, Mr Osborne’s handling of the issue so far means it is harder for him to make it.

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