The Daily Telegraph

Peter Marsh

Exuberant chairman of Allen, Brady & Marsh who brought showbusine­ss sparkle to advertisin­g


PETER MARSH, who has died aged 85, was the flamboyant co-founder, and chairman from 1974, of Allen Brady & Marsh (ABM), which became one of the great advertisin­g agency success stories of the 1970s and 1980s. Once described as “a man whose devotion to self-advertisem­ent is rivalled only by the efforts he makes on behalf of his clients”, Marsh, a former actor, brought a theatrical razzle-dazzle to his role which helped the agency to win accounts including British Rail, the Milk Marketing Board, Midland Bank (now HSBC), B&Q, Harp lager, Woolworths, Weetabix and Guinness. He also helped to embed in the popular consciousn­ess such straplines as “Harp stays sharp”; Midland’s “the listening bank”; the Milk Board’s “gotta lotta bottle”; and BR’s (Jimmy Savile-fronted) “This is the age of the train”. Marsh’s own contributi­ons included “Secret Lemonade Drinker” for R White’s and “The pint that thinks it’s a quart” for Whitbread Trophy.

From modest beginnings as a startup company in 1966, ABM grew to become a top-ten UK agency by 1979 (when it was the fastest-growing ad agency in Europe); it became a top-five agency by 1982.

Along with his musical colleague Rod Allen, Marsh took a famously quirky approach to pitching, often dressing in white suits and straw hats and singing to prospectiv­e clients to Allen’s piano accompanim­ent. “It was the ‘Rod and Peter Show’ ”, one former employee was quoted as saying. “Rod was the unpretenti­ous man of the people, while Peter was the pretentiou­s man of the people, and clients loved it.”

When competing for the Woolworths account in 1981, he and Allen crammed the company’s top brass into a theatre and came on singing “That’s the wonder of Woolies”, Marsh in a dinner jacket which he tore off to reveal a white spangly suit (symbolic, he explained later, of “the old Woolworths being discarded to reveal the shiny truth beneath”).

When the board questioned the agency’s ability to handle such a big account and asked to inspect its premises, Marsh took them for a tour of a much larger agency, Saywood Baker. “I asked my dear old friend Rodney Millard whether I could borrow his agency for the afternoon,” he recalled. The resulting campaign was the first all-celebrity advertisin­g extravagan­za, featuring Anita Harris, Cossack dancers, the Goodies, and Lennie Bennett in a leotard.

Perhaps the most famous Peter Marsh story, however, was of how, in 1977, he achieved the biggest ad account victory in British history, when he won the British Rail brief after a pitch against ABM’s rival, Saatchi & Saatchi. The client team, led by the then BR chairman, Sir Peter Parker, arrived at ABM’s reception for the presentati­on to be greeted by a surly receptioni­st filing her nails and smoking a cigarette. “How long do we have to wait,” Parker enquired. “Dunno,” came the reply.

For a while the BR team ensconced themselves in the begrimed reception area, filled with overflowin­g ashtrays, half-empty coffee cups and magazines lying on the floor. Just as they were about to walk out in disgust, doors opened to reveal Marsh and his team. “You’ve just seen what the public think of British Rail,” he said. “Now let’s see what we can do to put it right.”

The son of a Hull dock worker, Peter Marsh was born on February 2 1931 and was educated at Hull Grammar School, which he left aged 15. “All that stuff about a romantic working-class background is bullshit,” he once said.

Following National Service, he went on the stage, beginning in amateur operatics before graduating to the northern repertory circuit as a juvenile lead, playing roles such as the title character in The Student Prince. In the early 1950s he met and married Pat Phoenix, who would find fame as Elsie Tanner, the devil-may-care divorcée in

Coronation Street. But the marriage ended after a year.

In 1955 Marsh moved to London as a producer and writer with the BBC documentar­y film unit. He began in advertisin­g in 1957, setting up the television advertisin­g department of Osborne Peacock in Manchester. He became a partner in Patrick Henry & Partners in 1965 but in the same year he joined Rod Allen and Mike Brady to start ABM.

After the agency was sold to Lowe Howard-Spink in 1987, Marsh retired to enjoy the fruits of his labours. For many years he lived in a huge house in Barnes, with the inevitable white Rolls-Royce outside and, less predictabl­y, a collection of theatrical suits of armour inside.

In 1962 he married, secondly, Nicolette Grey. The marriage was dissolved in 2003 and he is survived by their son and daughter.

Marsh never lost his love of theatrical­ity. For his funeral he was dressed in his favourite tartan suit and went out to the strains of Give ’em the

old Razzle Dazzle. Peter Marsh, born February 2 1931, died March 24 2016

 ??  ?? Marsh: when pitching for the British Rail account, he made the BR team wait in a reception area full of overflowin­g ashtrays and halfempty coffee cups
Marsh: when pitching for the British Rail account, he made the BR team wait in a reception area full of overflowin­g ashtrays and halfempty coffee cups

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