The Daily Telegraph

Boris and the Brexiteers start hitting the boos

- By Michael Deacon

CHEEKS pink and fringe flapping, Boris Johnson came barrelling out of Preston station and powered along the pavement towards the Vote Leave battle bus. But he had company – and not just from TV news crews.

Trundling alongside him, desperate to get into every shot, was a pro-EU van. Emblazoned on its sides were unflatteri­ng photos of Boris and Nigel Farage, accompanie­d, in jeering block capitals, by the message: “TRUST THIS PAIR WITH YOUR FAMILY’S FUTURE? VOTE REMAIN ON JUNE 23RD.”

Stoutly ignoring it, Boris clambered aboard the Vote Leave bus. He’d come, along with the employment minister Priti Patel, to begin two days campaignin­g for Brexit in north-west England. Off the bus chugged. The enemy van pootled along in pursuit.

Their first stop was a formalwear supplier near Accrington. Boris bowled up in a denim-blue linen jacket, grey trousers, no tie, and shirt collars flapping. “It’s not what I’d have put him in,” said the formalwear supplier’s boss, diplomatic­ally.

Boris shambled round the office, introducin­g himself to seamstress­es and trying to think of questions to ask them about fabrics.

“Fantastic! Superb!” he burbled.

For some reason, the press pack had been ordered to wear hi-vis jackets throughout the visit. The most dangerous equipment in sight was a sewing machine. I asked Boris whether this was yet more health-and-safety-gone-mad meddling from those blasted bureaucrat­s in Brussels.

Boris pondered. “I’d have to check,” he said cautiously. “But I shouldn’t be at all surprised.”

Next he gave a speech to around 40 staff. “Who here is remotely apprehensi­ve about leaving the EU?” he blared. Four people raised their hands. “It’ll be fine,” he murmured, soothingly. “It’ll be fine.”

Back in Preston, Boris and Priti, now joined by Michael Gove, went to the town square to make stump speeches.

A crowd was waiting. The three Brexiteers climbed on

‘Who’s he?’ asked a man in a Vote Leave T-shirt. ‘It’s Michael Gove,’ said his friend

to their makeshift stage. “Who’s he?” whispered a man standing near the front in a Vote Leave T-shirt and holding a Vote Leave banner. “It’s Michael Gove,” explained his friend.

The speeches were largely cheered, but there were some boos and heckles about “Tory liars”. June 23, boomed Boris above the commotion, would be Independen­ce Day. “BOOOOO!” chorused the hecklers.

One young man had come in hope of “getting a selfie with Boris”. A journalist asked him his views on the EU. The young man bit his lip. “I’m not sure what that is,” he said.

Possibly the three Brexiteers have a little work still to do.

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