The Daily Telegraph

Be in no doubt, we could be months away from President Trump


Here at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, the “Grand Old Party” is preparing to crown Donald Trump its presidenti­al nominee. Many, even on his own side, find it a baffling, self-destructiv­e developmen­t. But they can deny it no longer. Today in the convention hall, there will be a roll call of his support from states across America. Let no one be in any doubt, this is support that could sweep Trump into the White House.

For those still wondering how he has done it, Brexit Britain offers many useful pointers. For a long time it seemed that Brexit could not happen. Then as it appeared more likely, the UK’s metropolit­an establishm­ent, its political elite, the vast majority of its business leaders, as well as assorted celebritie­s and generals, insisted that it must not happen. By entertaini­ng the very notion, they warned darkly, the country was playing at the cliff edge.

A patronisin­g narrative developed. Anyone conceiving of voting to Leave was, by definition, reckless, stupid, or both. At school gate discussion­s, or in offices, reluctantl­y outed Leavers were often treated with slack-jawed disdain by Remainers.

The parallels with America are impossible to dismiss. In June last year, Mr Trump announced his bid for the presidency on a wing and a prayer. Never in the history of modern American electoral politics, as his campaign staff are keen to say, has a presidenti­al candidate been so mocked and derided. The “buffoon” real estate mogul and reality TV star with the back-combed hair and larger-than-life expression­s was dismissed with a snort; newspaper editors relegated him to the entertainm­ent section.

Then the “clown” of the American politics barrelled through the primary race, knocking over his 16 rivals like skittles in a bowling ally. Trendy liberal elites watched, choking on their tofu, as Mr Trump was carried forth by an odd alliance of the disenfranc­hised and the downright enraged. “How did this happen?” they asked each other in anguish.

Well, in its way, the US presidenti­al election, with its binary choice, has become a referendum on America’s future, just as the EU vote was in Britain. And as with Britain, it has revealed the divide between its rural and metropolit­an worlds.

But there is a twist. In the ranks of America’s elite, there are now plenty of people for whom Mr Trump is a guilty pleasure. Every day, more and more are coming out of the closet. Once these Trump supporters were embarrasse­d to declare themselves. No longer. This convention is dotted with ladies wearing Louboutin who landed in Cleveland on private jets are now happy to been seen backing the billionair­e.

The political rule book says Hillary Clinton, Mr Trump’s Democrat rival, will win the White House come November. She has the experience, the money, the staff and the campaign know-how. But with only four months to go the two candidates are neck and neck. For those who still doubt him, remember this: in the process of his nomination, Donald Trump won more primary votes than any other presidenti­al candidate in Republican history. There is no reason why this convention will not be remembered as the moment that America, like Britain, chose to ignore the establishm­ent wisdom and step into the unknown.

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