The Daily Telegraph

Editorial Comment:


The difficulti­es facing the NHS are easy to understand. Demand for health services is growing faster than the provision of funds to meet it. The answer, therefore, is to plug the gap between the two. The question is how, and this is a political judgment. Should more money be raised through direct taxes or by different forms of funding, such as co-payments and charges?

Our political leaders cannot indefinite­ly put off answering this conundrum. As Stephen Cannon, vice-president of the Royal College of Surgeons, has warned in a letter to this newspaper, treatments now considered routine will be increasing­ly subject to rationing. Life-enhancing cataract surgery and joint operations will have to be put off and waiting lists will grow for all nonurgent services.

Our politician­s are fully aware of the issues here, but no party is willing to address them. The model for funding the NHS has remained essentiall­y unchanged for nearly 70 years, despite the revolution in medical science and longevity. The Conservati­ves, rightly in our view, do not think much more of this burden can be loaded on to taxpayers but are terrified of being accused of privatisin­g the NHS by Labour. David Cameron was unwilling to listen to any arguments that could be seen as a departure from traditiona­l funding.

But now Labour is further removed from financial reality than ever. Jeremy Corbyn’s antipathy to private money in the NHS extends even to pharmaceut­ical research, which he thinks should be funded by the state. Moreover, the threat of Labour “weaponisin­g” the NHS to damage the Tories is less potent given Mr Corbyn’s unelectabi­lity. This is the opportunit­y for a recast Conservati­ve Government to make the argument for a mix of social insurance, direct taxes, top-ups and charges that underpin other, often better, European healthcare systems.

This refusal to confront reality cannot continue for much longer. The population is growing; people are living longer and are more susceptibl­e to the diseases of ageing; medical advances increase expectatio­ns and demand for more expensive treatments, which will become available only to those with private healthcare. That would create a true two-tier system, with the original ambitions of universal healthcare smashed on the rocks of ideologica­l obduracy.

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