The Daily Telegraph

Libyan government forces seize Isil headquarte­rs after fierce fighting in battle for Sirte

- By Our Foreign Staff

FORCES loyal to Libya’s recognised government claimed another victory over Isil yesterday, announcing the capture of the terrorist movement’s headquarte­rs in the city of Sirte.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Le- vant (Isil) had turned the Ouagadougo­u conference centre – once a showpiece of Col Muammar Gaddafi’s regime – into their local headquarte­rs.

But government forces claimed to have captured the conference centre after fierce fighting. In recent weeks, they have launched an offensive de- signed to break Isil’s grip on Sirte. As they pressed into the city, the US has helped their advance with air strikes.

“The Ouagadougo­u centre is in our hands,” said a statement released by the operations centre of the forces deployed by the Government of National Accord, an internatio­nally recognised administra­tion leading the battle for Sirte.

But Isil still holds some residentia­l areas of the city. Reda Issa, a spokesman for the government forces, cautioned that Isil had not yet been driven from Sirte and there would be no claim of victory. “The announceme­nt of the liberation will only be made once the entire city is liberated,” he said.

The Ouagadougo­u conference centre has been a key objective of government forces. Isil originally seized Sirte in June last year, giving themselves a foothold on the Mediterran­ean coast, barely 300 miles from the Italian island of Sicily. But Isil has become a common enemy for armed factions in Libya, who have put aside their difference­s to fight the terrorists. In addition, Isil’s presence had the unintended consequenc­e of spurring the internatio­nal community to help assemble a recognised government in Libya’s capital, Tripoli.

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