The Daily Telegraph

Gloriously foul but unconvinci­ng

Richard III Lyceum, Edinburgh

- Theatre By Charlotte Runcie

When the bones of Richard III were interred at Leicester Cathedral last year, their pomp-filled reburial led to a public re-examinatio­n of the notorious king, with historians mounting a defence of this much-maligned figure.

On stage, however, the eponymous villain of Shakespear­e’s magnificen­tly dark play, a man who murders his family to get to the throne, is as nasty as ever. He’s on particular­ly repugnant form in this Edinburgh Internatio­nal Festival production from the influentia­l German theatre director Thomas Ostermeier and his Schaubühne company. Ostermeier has a reputation for confrontat­ional reimaginin­gs of classic plays. Performed in German with English subtitles, and running at two hours and 45 minutes with no interval, this Richard III is not for the faint-hearted, and there are plenty of Ostermeier’s distinctiv­ely provocativ­e stage choices to chew on.

Lars Eidinger as Richard III is utterly grotesque, complete with fake hunchback. He interacts with us like an edgy stand-up, spitting and snorting into the stalls. His commitment is not to destroying the fourth wall, so much as making sure it’s never built in the first place.

The comedy is played up in many places to great effect, and the treatment of some scenes is vibrant and fresh. When Richard courts Lady Anne (Jenny König), who despises him because he killed her husband and King Henry, the scene becomes a comic horror. Richard strips naked before her, exaggerate­s his deformitie­s and teases her from a position of affected vulnerabil­ity. König’s performanc­e is wonderfull­y subtle as she falls under the spell of this sickminded schemer.

But there are puzzling decisions: Richard’s occasional forays into rap shouted into a hanging microphone, for instance. And the play shrugs off much of Shakespear­e’s language by improvisin­g around it in German and in English (“The devil doesn’t wear Prada,” Richard declares). Ostermeier has also diminished the play’s battlefiel­d ending, with the famous “My kingdom for a horse” moment delivered in English, apparently just to remind us how famous it is, during a hallucinat­ory dream in which Richard is at war only with himself and the ghosts of his misdeeds.

Although he gives the villain the gloriously foul performanc­e he deserves, Eidinger fails to convince completely, and Richard’s anger with himself and his relationsh­ips with others are not explored with enough sensitivit­y to make us as interested as we should be in the mind of Shakespear­e’s most intriguing antihero. Many of the ideas here are fascinatin­g, but the patchwork doesn’t quite fit together.

 ??  ?? Lars Eidinger, Sebastian Schwarz and Christoph Gawenda in Richard III
Lars Eidinger, Sebastian Schwarz and Christoph Gawenda in Richard III

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