The Daily Telegraph

Congress overrides Obama veto on 9/11 bill

- By Ruth Sherlock in Washington

THE United States Congress yesterday forced through a bill that will allow the families of victims of the September 11 attacks to sue the government of Saudi Arabia, overriding a veto by Barack Obama for the first time in his eightyear-long presidency.

Striking a serious blow to the White House, the legislatio­n is also expected to cause major diplomatic fallout, with countries including Britain fearing it could leave them vulnerable to lawsuits and endanger military and intelligen­ce personnel.

“It’s a dangerous precedent,” Mr Obama said. “If we eliminate this notion of sovereign immunity, then our men and women in uniform around the world could potentiall­y start seeing ourselves subject to reciprocal loss.”

While Saudi Arabia has never admitted playing a role in the September 11 terror attacks, 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi, and there have been suspicions that some received support from individual­s with possible connection­s to the kingdom’s government.

But in practice, the scope of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), which was a decade in the making, may be much wider than Saudi lawsuits, as it would allow an American citizen to bring a case against any country they claim financed or otherwise aided terrorism on American soil.

President Obama vetoed the bill ear- lier this month on the basis that it would erode “sovereign immunity”, a long-held principle of internatio­nal law that protects a country from being sued in the courts of another country. Mr Obama warned that stripping this away could backfire, prompting other countries to sue the US for acts on their soil.

As Congress prepared to override the president’s veto yesterday. John Brennan, the director of the Central Intelligen­ce Agency warned that JASTA would have “grave implicatio­ns for the national security of the United States”.

“The principle of sovereign immunity protects US officials every day, and is rooted in reciprocit­y. If we fail to uphold this standard for other countries, we place our own nation’s officials in danger,” he said.

“No country has more to lose from underminin­g that principle than the United States – and few institutio­ns would be at greater risk than CIA.”

Earlier this week British intelligen­ce officials expressed their concerns about the effect of the bill, with sources telling The Daily Telegraph they feared it could make Britain vulnerable to hostile lawsuits by American lawyers attempting to prove that British-based jihadists had been involved in terror plots against US targets.

Last week the European Union submitted a letter to Congress urging politician­s not to override Mr Obama’s veto. Supporters of the legislatio­n, however, argue that it is alarmist to claim the bill would override sovereign immunity.

‘No country has more to lose from underminin­g the principle than the United States’

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