The Daily Telegraph

Merkel signals key concession on Brexit

German chancellor gives first hint that freedom of movement is up for negotiatio­n

- By Peter Dominiczak POLITICAL EDITOR

ANGELA MERKEL has signalled that she may be willing to compromise on the issue of freedom of movement in the wake of the Brexit vote.

In comments interprete­d as a significan­t shift, the German chancellor suggested that the European Union needed to “discuss further” the rules around freedom of movement.

It is the first indication Britain may be able to gain full control of its borders while retaining access to the single market, something EU leaders such as Jean-Claude Juncker have said would be impossible.

Until now, Mrs Merkel had insisted she would not yield on the issue of freedom of movement, which gives EU citizens the right to live and work in any country on the continent.

Theresa May has pledged that freedom of movement is her “red line” during Brexit negotiatio­ns and that she will insist on full control of the country’s borders.

Mrs Merkel made the comments just hours after Boris Johnson, the Foreign Secretary, said that it was “nonsense” to suggest that freedom of movement was one of the “fundamenta­l freedoms” of the EU.

Brexit-supporting MPs said last night that Mrs Merkel’s comments signalled “a new realism in the EU” and Whitehall sources told The Daily Telegraph it was “the first crack in the armour”. In other developmen­ts: A Supreme Court judge said that Mrs May may have to unpick every piece of EU legislatio­n before Brexit is trig- gered, prompting questions over her impartiali­ty.

Google announced plans to open a new headquarte­rs in Britain and create more than 3,000 jobs in news welcomed as a “big vote of confidence” after the referendum vote.

Nigel Farage, the Ukip leader, indicated he is open to rejoining the Conservati­ve Party in an attempt to hold the party to account over Brexit.

Mrs Merkel said in Berlin that making an “exception” for Britain would “endanger” the principles of the EU.

“Were we to make an exception for the free movement of people with Britain, this would mean we would endanger principles of the whole internal market in the European Union, because everyone else will then want these exceptions,” she said.

However, on the finer detail of defining the free movement of people, she added: “I personally am of the view that we will have to discuss further with the [European] Commission when this freedom of movement applies from. The question of when lifelong guarantees come into effect according to the social standard of the host country must certainly be taken into considerat­ion.”

Her comments indicate that Mrs Merkel is open to allowing countries like Britain to curb migration, something she was steadfastl­y opposed to in the build-up to the EU referendum in June.

Offering “fair” negotiatio­ns to the UK, Mrs Merkel said: “First, however, Britain must explain in what manner it

would like this exit.” Mrs May is due to meet Mrs Merkel in Berlin on Friday at a meeting that will be attended by Barack Obama, the outgoing US president.

In an interview with a Czech newspaper yesterday, Mr Johnson described as “b------s” the repeated claims by EU politician­s that freedom of movement is a central tenet of the bloc’s existence.

He said: “Everybody now has it in their head that every human being has some fundamenta­l God-given right to move wherever they want. It’s not true.

“That was never the case. That was never a founding principle of the EU. Total myth.”

Mr Johnson yesterday also became the first minister to confirm that Britain is likely to leave the customs union after Brexit.

“[There will be a] dynamic trade relationsh­ip [between the UK and the EU] and we will take back control of our borders, but we remain an open and welcoming society,” he said.

“We probably will have to come out of the customs union, but that’s a question I am sure will be discussed.”

The customs union allows the free trade of goods to those who are members, but members also have to apply the same tariffs to goods that are imported from outside the union.

This is seen as a significan­t disadvanta­ge after Britain leaves the EU, as ministers are keen that the UK should be able to set the terms of its own deals.

However, Downing Street insisted yesterday that the Government’s position had not changed and that no decision had been taken on Britain’s future membership of the customs union.

“The Foreign Secretary reflected the Government’s position which is that a decision hasn’t been taken,” Mrs May’s spokesman said. “He was very clear that the Government had not taken a decision.”

 ??  ?? Boris Johnson yesterday. He described the notion that freedom of movement was an EU right as ’b------s’
Boris Johnson yesterday. He described the notion that freedom of movement was an EU right as ’b------s’

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