The Daily Telegraph

Taxi driver ‘blackmaile­d Muslim lovers’


A TAXI driver secretly filmed himself having sex with Muslim women and blackmaile­d them into giving him money by threatenin­g to put the footage on the internet, a court heard.

Farhan Mirza, 38, is accused of targeting three women and threatenin­g to bring shame upon them and their families by publishing the videos.

Cardiff Crown Court heard that Mr Mirza is accused of voyeurism, blackmail, theft and fraud – including pretending to be a doctor in order to commit a string of offences. The jury of four men and eight women watched a series of video clips, which included one woman having sex with the defendant and another alleged victim getting dressed after having had a shower.

Timothy Evans, prosecutin­g, told the jury that the case was very sensitive and the three alleged victims, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, were Muslim women with connection­s to other countries.

Mr Mirza is accused of demanding £5,000, then £20,000 from the first woman, which she refused but she would often buy his shopping and pay for meals in expensive restaurant­s. The following year he asked her for £2,000 and he was given up to £300. In Febru- ary 2013 she gave him £1,500 towards college fees.

The court heard the woman did not know whether he was telling the truth and she searched his laptop and found videos of other women. She confronted Mr Mirza and he said he kept the video clips to blackmail women.

Mr Mirza is accused of stealing a Sony laptop, handbag and jewellery from her in February 2014.

Mr Mirza, of Abertiller­y, South Wales denies four charges of blackmail, three of voyeurism, one of theft and one of fraud by false representa­tion.

The case continues.

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