The Daily Telegraph

Official in racism row after calling First Lady an ‘ape in heels’

- By Nick Allen in Washington “Just

OFFICIALS in an all-white part of West Virginia sparked outrage across America yesterday after referring to Michelle Obama as an “ape in heels”. The mayor of the town of Clay apologised and the director of a local government-funded agency was suspended from her job following the comment.

Pamela Ramsey Taylor, director of the Clay County Developmen­t Corporatio­n, made the remark on Face- book celebratin­g Donald Trump’s election victory.

Ms Taylor wrote: “It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I’m tired of seeing an ape in heels.” Beverly Whaling, the mayor of Clay, responded on Facebook by saying: made my day Pam.”

An online petition calling for both women to be sacked quickly reached 100,000. In an apology the mayor, who later resigned, said: “I was referring to my day being made for change in the White House. I am truly sorry for any hard feeling this may have caused.

Jason Hubbard, a Clay town councillor, condemned her “horrific” post and said “racial intoleranc­e is not what this community is about”.

Ms Taylor, who has been placed on leave, said she had in “no way” intended to be racist and apologised for “any hurt” caused”

The official claimed she had been referring to “my personal opinion of the attractive­ness [of Mrs Obama] not the colour of the skin”.

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