The Daily Telegraph

Goodbye Leo DiCaprio, hellooooo Mark Carney

The men we choose to lust after are an intriguing sign of women’s changing status, finds Zoe Strimpel


When I was 15, I decided I was going to marry Leonardo DiCaprio. I’d seen Titanic, found the fictional demise of Jack Dawson unspeakabl­y sad, and knew the only way to get over it was to meet and marry the man who played him.

Embarrassi­ng though the object of my affections appears to me now, we know that fantasy crushes play an establishe­d role in the imaginativ­e lives of teens. But, as a new book on the history of heartthrob­s by University of Sussex historian Carol Dyhouse suggests, the unattainab­le men we lust after are more than just psychologi­cal puzzle pieces – they’re clues to the status of women in a wider sense, acting as a kind of feminist barometer over time.

“As women get stronger, they are freer to think about heartthrob­s, rather than husbands,” says Dyhouse. “Where women are powerless, they tend to look to powerful men as protection. But the stronger they get, the more they can be interested in men as individual­s.”

So the panting over Sherlock’s Benedict Cumberbatc­h, say, actually reveals women’s social and economic progress. Despite his emotional dysfunctio­nality in character, and his strange, atypical features, Cumberbatc­h appears alluringly clever and companiona­ble in real life. He’s not going to carry us up a mountain on his shoulders, but that’s OK, because we can carry ourselves, thanks.

Fashions in female passion changed particular­ly sharply in the Sixties, when they detached from the idea of “husband material”. By the Seventies, as more women went to university, the more they were liberated to pant after odd, sexually mysterious men who daringly walked the line between masculinit­y and femininity – think David Cassidy and Bowie. And today, girls’ fascinatio­n with the likes of One Direction’s Harry Styles or Justin Bieber owes much to their curiously erotic mixing of masculine and feminine.

Hollywood has always had a big hand in shaping our lusts. Thus the post-war period brought stoic, strong, chiselled male leads – think Cary Grant or Gregory Peck. Now it’s the Ryan Goslings of the world who the sexually and emotionall­y liberated modern woman wants; what a Hollywood screenwrit­er friend calls “the total package arena” – sensitive hunks, with an arty flair. It seems we want men like this in real life, too. A recent survey of the most popular Tinder profiles shows soulful, sensitive-looking men with good bodies, searching expression­s and a job in the arts. (NB: The most popular women are a little more predicable: young, thin, big breasts.)

So if our crushes tell us something about our place in history, what do they say about us as individual­s? According to Edinburgh-based relationsh­ips therapist Val Sampson, boy-band crushes among young women provide a “good transition to adult sexuality”, prior to actually being ready for a sexual relationsh­ip. As we get older, we can use heartthrob­s as fantasy to be incorporat­ed into a healthy sex life. “The brain is the sexiest organ in the body,” says Sampson, “and a heartthrob can play a useful role in maintainin­g connection with your sexual self.”

Many of us fancy men who fit certain tried and true types: hunks; strong, silent types; troubled geniuses; talented crooners. But our libidos can go offpiste in surprising ways. For instance, a recent study from the University of Amsterdam found that many women fancy portly, older, divorced men. Having got the “not-husband-material” types out of their system, the appeal of someone domesticat­ed can be strong.

Then there are the soft spots many women have for the likes of Andrew Marr, Louis Theroux and Michael Palin. When, after the Brexit vote, I posted on Facebook a newfound crush on Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of England, I was told to “join the queue”.

But there’s still a logic to our lusts. Carney was a figure of calmness and strength in the post-referendum chaos. Theroux and Marr have brains and character: cleverness is hugely attractive to a woman confident in her own intelligen­ce. Paul Hollywood from Bake Off (a guilty pleasure particular­ly among older women) may look like a silverback, but has a creative, domestic skill. And it’s Gosling’s combinatio­n of vulnerabil­ity and hidden talent in La La Land that makes him irresistib­le.

In fact, notes Sampson, the ability to play the piano is a good indicator of crushabili­ty in pretty much any man. Heartthrob­s: A History of Women and Desire by Carol Dyhouse is published by Oxford University Press (£20). To order a copy for £16.99 plus p&p, call 0844 871 1514 or visit books.

 ??  ?? Obscure objects of desire: Mark Carney, left, and Benedict Cumberbatc­h, below
Obscure objects of desire: Mark Carney, left, and Benedict Cumberbatc­h, below
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