The Daily Telegraph

Villagers defeat Historic England in plan to display war poppies all year

- By Lydia Willgress

VILLAGERS have won a battle against Historic England over honouring their war dead after a Church judge ruled they can use a wreath holder to display poppies all year round.

A proposal to buy two holders to display poppies at the Grade I-listed St Mary’s Church in Tutbury, Staffs, put forward by the Rev Ian Whitehead and the local war memorial’s preservati­on committee, won the support of the Parochial Church Council.

But it ran into opposition from Historic England, the conservati­on group, and Tutbury parish council, who said the displays may be too prominent and not in keeping with the listed building. A spokesman for Historic England re- ferred to the design of the metal frame to display the wreathes as “overly functional in appearance and of insufficie­nt artistic merit in this sensitive context.” The parish council said it was unnecessar­y or inappropri­ate for the wreaths to remain in place for so long.

However, the Chancellor of the Diocese, Stephen Eyre QC, in his role as a judge of the Church of England’s Con- sistory Court, said: “I am satisfied that it is appropriat­e for the wreaths to remain in the vicinity of the memorial for an extended period.”

He said the proposed wreath holders were “of an appropriat­e standard”, adding: “It may not be as great an improvemen­t as Historic England might have wished but it is an improvemen­t nonetheles­s and as such is to be welcomed.” A spokesman for Tutbury Parish Council said the dispute is with the Tutbury War Memorial Preservati­on Committee. “Tutbury Parish Council are concerned about how these wreath holders will deteriorat­e and interfere with the view of the church,” she said.

It also had safety concerns about the risk of “young people congregati­ng or climbing on this structure”.

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