The Daily Telegraph

Missiles in air by the time Trump sat down for dinner with Xi

President gave orders to launch Tomahawks before hosting Chinese leader at his ornate Florida club

- By Nick Allen in Washington, Gordon Rayner POLITICAL EDITOR and Josie Ensor in Beirut his office to

AS HE tucked into a New York strip steak and Thumbelina carrots in an ornate private dining room at Mar-aLago, Donald Trump knew the bombs would be in the air by the time he finished his chocolate sorbet.

Before sitting down to eat, the president gave the order to launch 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at Syria.

Mr Trump took his place next to his guest, Chinese leader Xi Jinping, at a long table festooned with flowers and elaborate candelabra­s. He chatted amiably with Mr Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan, and gave nothing away, while the Chinese delegation sipped a 2014 Napa Girard cabernet sauvignon.

At this pivotal moment for Mr Trump’s young presidency, the aides he chose to be at the table with him included his daughter Ivanka, chief of staff Reince Priebus and Wilbur Ross, his commerce secretary.

Jared Kushner, his son-in law, was given pride of place at the other side of the Chinese couple. Steve Bannon, his chief strategist, was towards the end of the table. At 7.40pm eastern time, when the Tomahawks were launched from the USS Ross and USS Porter in the eastern Mediterran­ean, Mr Trump was finally able to tell Mr Xi what was on his mind. The Chinese motorcade left Mar-a-Lago 11 minutes later, speeding past palm trees to a nearby hotel.

The march towards bombing Syria began on Wednesday afternoon with a meeting of the National Security Council in the Oval Office.

Mr Trump’s reaction to Bashar al-Assad’s sarin attack in Idlib the previous day had been visceral. He chaired the meeting and James Mattis, his defence secretary, laid out a spectrum of options for military retaliatio­n.

They ranged from using cruise missiles to target the Shayrat airfield where the sarin attack was launched, to an assault on numerous airfields, completely grounding Assad’s air force, taking out Syrian air defences, or a wider blitz on Assad’s entire military and chemical capabiliti­es.

According to officials, Mr Trump woke up on Thursday morning having decided he would launch missiles. Among the first to know were Mr Mattis, Gen HR McMaster, a national security adviser, and Rex Tillerson, the secretary of state.

Those three men joined Mr Trump on Air Force One as he headed for Mar-a-Lago on Thursday afternoon and were among the advisers huddling with the president in his cabin.

At one point on the flight Mr Trump emerged to speak to journalist­s on the plane and denied a decision had been made. But he stood next to a television screen showing Darth Vader in a Star Wars film, which some took to be an omen. Later, the turbulence on the flight became so bad press secretary Sean Spicer was knocked off his feet.

Arriving at Mar-a-Lago shortly before 3pm Mr Trump and his team engaged in last-minute preparatio­ns, some of it in a tent containing secure equipment for communicat­ing with Washington.

Aides worked feverishly on Mr Trump’s after-dinner speech, in which he was to announce the strike.

He had decided to launch missiles against Shayrat, which was at the conservati­ve end of the options offered by Mr Mattis.

Mr Trump was believed to have made his final decision around 4pm.

There had been numerous phone calls to the UK Foreign Office and Ministry of Defence during the day and Theresa May was briefed that the prospect of US military action was becoming more probable.

At midnight UK time, about 10 minutes before Mr Trump and Mr Xi sat down to dinner at Mar-a-Lago, Mr Mattis called Sir Michael Fallon, the British Defence Secretary, to give him advance notice that the president had given the order.

Mr Fallon stayed in monitor the air strikes.

He said there had been no request from Washington to join the strike, adding: “The United States made it clear that this was to be a United States operation.”

Mrs May was informed at the same time by the White House, while Boris Johnson was told by Mr Tillerson.

About half an hour after the British were told, while Mr Trump was in the middle of dinner, the Russian military was informed of the impending US action through a “deconflict­ion” channel designed to avoid the two major powers taking out each other’s forces.

It was a warning for Russia to remove any of its planes from the area.

After finishing dinner and saying farewell to Mr Xi, Mr Trump moved to an improvised situation room within the Spanish-style walls of Mar-a-Lago for an update on the strike.

He was photograph­ed watching a screen with a dozen of his closest advisers at 9.15pm.

Moments later he emerged and delivered his public statement on the strike, saying: “God Bless America and the entire world.”

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 ??  ?? A Russian frigate, left, passes through Istanbul as it makes its way to the Mediterran­ean; the USS Porter, right, launches a Tomahawk cruise missile at Syria
A Russian frigate, left, passes through Istanbul as it makes its way to the Mediterran­ean; the USS Porter, right, launches a Tomahawk cruise missile at Syria
 ??  ?? Defence Secretary Michael Fallon was phoned by his United States counterpar­t, James Mattis, to tell him of the attack
Defence Secretary Michael Fallon was phoned by his United States counterpar­t, James Mattis, to tell him of the attack

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