The Daily Telegraph

Our pension rules are harming the country

Abolishing the Lifetime Allowance would go some way towards offsetting the damage already done

- ROS ALTMANN FOLLOW Ros Altmann on Twitter @rosaltmann; READ MORE at

It is vital to take pension issues seriously – especially with our ageing population. Yesterday’s

Telegraph report about doctors quitting general practice in their fifties, partly because of new pension rules, is a stark reminder of the problems created by continued cuts in pension allowances.

With increasing numbers of older people in the country, the demand for medical staff is likely to increase sharply, and we need as many of our most experience­d doctors to stay in practice as possible. Surely we actually want to incentivis­e them to keep working longer, not encourage them to retire early by imposing draconian taxes on their pensions.

Of course, this does not just apply to GPs. The latest reduction in the Lifetime Allowance – the amount the Inland Revenue allows you to have in your pension scheme before triggering an extra tax – will affect thousands of long-serving staff across the public sector. Surgeons, senior police chiefs, firefighte­rs and head teachers are similarly impacted. According to independen­t financial advisers, there are top people in their fifties across the country who may retire early to avoid this extra charge – which can be up to 55 per cent.

The shrinking Lifetime Allowance now functions as a stealth tax on the most senior personnel. There has been constant tinkering with pension rules, and they are complex. But continual reductions in the Allowance, the latest of which took effect this week, have lowered the threshold at which pensions are taxed from £1.8 million in 2012 to £1 million today. That may sound like a huge sum, but the new measure will actually hit vast numbers of long-serving senior and middlerank­ing workers because of the crude way the threshold is calculated.

Essentiall­y, the Treasury takes your projected annual pension at the time you begin receiving it and multiplies it by 20. If you are on course for a £50,000-a-year pension by the time you’re 60, you will know in advance that you will come in over the limit. In these circumstan­ces, it makes sense to retire before you reach that point, which you can do at any age from 55, and take a reduced pension (the earlier you retire, the lower the pension).

This lets you avoid hitting the Lifetime Allowance, because the new rules don’t take into account that this lower pension would be paid for more years. They ignore the fact that you would probably receive the same amount – or even more – over your lifetime. By taking the lower pension, you can avoid the draconian pension tax, and still get the same expected pension payments in the end. This encourages GPs and senior workers to retire much younger than they otherwise might.

It is concerning that this tax raid on pensions may be worsening skill shortages in the NHS, and hurting the labour market more broadly. Older members of final salary type (defined benefit) schemes are some of the most valuable people in our workforce, with years of experience. We should be encouragin­g them to stay as long as they wish; doing otherwise is against the national interest.

So the pension rule changes are clearly harmful to people in final salary schemes. But the problems of this pension clampdown are even more acute for people with investment­related pensions. While public sector workers and those in defined benefit schemes are allowed up to £50,000 pensions without incurring the tax, members of investment-related pension plans (defined contributi­on schemes) could not buy an income of anything like £50,000 a year with a £1 million fund. Annuity rates have plunged so low that £1 million would not provide much more than a £20,000 inflation-linked pension at 60. The Lifetime Allowance therefore not only damages our public sector workforce, but is unfair on the private sector, too.

Furthermor­e, the entire concept of a “Lifetime Allowance” is illogical. If the level of contributi­on into a pension each year is strictly limited, it makes little sense also to limit the total fund built up. This amounts to a penalty on good investment performanc­e, punishing pension investors if their fund performs too well. Surely we should want people to build up as much as they can.

Isn’t it time for the Government to rethink its pensions strategy? The damaging side-effects of the Lifetime Allowance are having serious consequenc­es. With an ageing workforce, shortages of experience­d workers, rising longevity and inadequate levels of pension saving, it is important to ensure pension schemes do not have perverse incentives. Abolishing the Lifetime Allowance would be extremely popular and go some way towards offsetting the damage already done by the latest pension clampdown.

We must not let our pension system impose stealth taxes on older workers which drive them out of the labour force, nor should we penalise people for achieving good investment returns. Pensions should be about rewarding loyal workers and encouragin­g long-term pension investors, not punishing the prudent. Baroness Altmann is the former Minister of State for Pensions

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