The Daily Telegraph

Fenland boost to godwits’ chances

- Samantha Herbert

THE hatching of 26 black-tailed chicks marks a fresh future for rare godwits.

In a UK first, Fens conservati­onists saw godwit eggs collected from the wild hatch in captivity to bring new hope for the struggling wading bird.

As part of a “headstarti­ng” project – the first applied to the species – the chicks will now be hand-reared until they are strong enough to be released back into the wild.

In addition to the chicks’ increased chances of survival, removing the eggs from the nest early during incubation maximises the likelihood that the parent birds will lay a second clutch and raise a brood themselves.

At risk of global extinction, there are fewer than 60 pairs nesting in the UK and almost all can be found in the Fens. The area was therefore chosen for the launch of Project Godwit, where breeding success is pivotal to the fortunes of the species as a whole.

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