The Daily Telegraph

‘My life’s great love is 20 years my junior’

Actress Sandra Dickinson, once married to a Doctor Who star, is now head over heels for her much younger husband, she tells Richard Barber

- Sandra Dickinson

When Emmanuel Macron was elected France’s new president, actress Sandra Dickinson all but punched the air with undisguise­d glee. For, out of the shadows stepped his wife, Brigitte, the epitome of French elegance and fully 24 years her husband’s senior.

“Of course, Donald Trump is 24 years older than his wife, Melania,” Dickinson points out, “although that’s depressing­ly familiar and sparks very little comment. But when it’s the other way round? Oh my word!”

But then, Dickinson has more than a passing interest in the relative ages of world leaders and their spouses. She and actor Mark Osmond first met in panto in Poole, Dorset, in 2002.

Sandra was playing the Empress of China in Aladdin; Mark was PC Pong. Even though he was 20 years younger than her, the attraction, she says, was mutual.

“When we first got involved, though, I told Mark I thought the relationsh­ip was inappropri­ate. I was old enough to be his mother. Indeed, his own mother, Jean, is only seven years older than me, although from day one she welcomed me with open arms. If I’d been her, I’d have been beside myself that my son was hanging out with some old broad like me.” Sandra is now 68, Mark 48. “We’ve been together for 14 years, married for eight. I adore him. He’s a honey. And so good-looking. “I honestly think he’s getting more beautiful with each passing day. I see him and he still takes my breath away. “I’m sure people might have contemplat­ed that Mark may be gay – my ‘beard’, as they call it. But I’m here to assure them he really isn’t. He keeps me very happy,” she says, giddily. “I mean, when I’m 90 and he’s 70, we may have trouble. We’ll have to wait and see.”

In many ways, Dickinson has changed little – the uber-dizzy blonde with the Tweety Pie voice, her hair a mass of baby curls – from when she was starting out in a 1970 TV ad for Birds Eye beef burgers directed by Alan Parker. But don’t be fooled by appearance­s.

Adverse comments about Brigitte Macron’s age irritated her in much the same way as she is irritated when people look at her and Mark askance: “I know it’s a pat thing to say, but you fall in love with a person, not their age.”

Dickinson moved to the UK, aged 20, from her native Washington with her first husband, an English academic called Hugh Dickinson, whom she’d met at university. “Hugh used to say my voice was so high that only dogs could hear it.” It was 1969, the year that Mark was born. “He’s fond of saying that he was the present waiting to be claimed by me.”

After drama school, she quickly found work on stage and screen, her role as Trillian in Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy a particular early success. Last year, she won a slew of good notices for her portrayal of Lucille Ball in the last 10 years of her life in a two-hander entitled I Loved Lucy, written for the theatre by Lee Tannen, the man who befriended Ball in her final decade. After two successful runs at the Jermyn Street Theatre, it is to be revived next month at London’s Arts Theatre.

“I do love Lucy,” says Dickinson, and means it. “In many ways, our lives weren’t so very different. I’ve had some success – nothing on her level, of course – but feel we’re quite similar with the comedy and then the marriages. There’s a fair amount I can draw on.”

In 1978, Dickinson married British actor Peter Davison. Because she suffered from endometrio­sis, it looked as though they’d be unable to conceive. But seven years into the marriage, Georgia arrived. Actress Georgia Moffett – it’s Davison’s real surname – has the unique distinctio­n of having a former Doctor Who for a father and a later version, in the shape of David Tennant, as a husband.

By the time Georgia was eight, Dickinson and Davison had parted. It was said at the time that Peter’s work was more important to him and that’s what caused the split. “But that’s all baloney,” says Dickinson now.

“In the end, I had to go. My spirit was dying. I think it was Peter’s complete disregard for me that made me realise I deserved more, the chance of finding real happiness again. Our relationsh­ip had been deteriorat­ing over a long period. Apart from anything else, I’d have represente­d a very poor role model for my daughter if I’d stayed in so bad a marriage. When I look back now, I see an emotionall­y battered woman. I was just crawling through life on all fours.”

Time has proved a great healer. Davison subsequent­ly married writer Elizabeth Morton, mother of their two teenage sons, Louis and Joel. Georgia married Tennant by whom she has three children – Olive is six, Wilfred, four, and Doris, not yet two. “They’ve given her two middle names, Sandra and Leonard, the first for obvious reasons and the second because it’s Mark’s middle name. That was such a sweet gesture, wasn’t it?”

Tennant also adopted Georgia’s now 15-year-old son, Ty, the product of a schoolgirl pregnancy. “David’s the sweetest, kindest man you could ever hope to meet. And, as an actor, he’s quite extraordin­ary. He’s like a chameleon, the male equivalent of Judi Dench. Absolutely everybody loves him.

“Anyway, what’s important is that we have a beautiful extended family and everybody’s happy now.

‘I mean, when I’m 90 and he’s 70, we may have trouble. We’ll have to wait and see’

It’s a shame it went the way it did, but it’s all ended very well. And, if my marriage to Peter hadn’t failed, I wouldn’t have met Mark and he is, without doubt, my life’s great love. Let me tell you, when he came along, we fell on each other like wolves.”

For all that, the failure of her second marriage had threatened to derail her career. “All people wanted to talk about was what had gone wrong. So I disappeare­d from the radar for a bit, but I didn’t care. I refused to wash my dirty laundry in public. And work is a huge panacea if you’re having a tough time.”

Dickinson recently returned from a week in Slovenia filming her role as a hotelier in a new European thriller called Intrigo. She also continues to deploy that distinctiv­e voice on cartoons like Gumball, Thunderbir­ds and Counterfei­t Cat.

Retirement? “It’s not going to happen. I’m not even going to consider it. My work is hugely important to me, but then so is my private life.

“And one advantage of being this age is that I no longer care what people think, which gives you a tremendous freedom.”

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 ??  ?? Oh yes he is: Sandra met husband Mark when they appeared in panto together – and says he is ‘without doubt my life’s great love’
Oh yes he is: Sandra met husband Mark when they appeared in panto together – and says he is ‘without doubt my life’s great love’
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 ??  ?? Doctor, doctor: Dickinson with Peter Davison, above, while their daughter Georgia is married to David Tennant, left
Doctor, doctor: Dickinson with Peter Davison, above, while their daughter Georgia is married to David Tennant, left

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