The Daily Telegraph

The Queen’s Speech: a last chance


The Queen’s Speech today marks almost a fortnight since the election. Yet the cloud of uncertaint­y which descended at 10pm on June 8, when exit polls accurately predicted the Tories’ failure to secure a majority, has not lifted. Indeed if anything the skies have darkened further.

It should not have come to this. Soon after the election Downing Street announced that a deal with the DUP had effectivel­y been struck. Too soon. No accord had been settled and the fact of prematurel­y announcing one merely handed the initiative to the junior party in negotiatio­ns. What should have been a perfectly straightfo­rward confidence and supply agreement became a high-stakes act of political brinkmansh­ip in which two obvious partners found themselves bickering rather than rising to the noble task of running the country. Just hours before today’s State Opening of Parliament there was still no certainty that the two would even come to any arrangemen­t.

Unhappily, however, that has not been the only area where futile cracks and divisions have appeared. Yesterday the Chancellor Philip Hammond gave a speech at Mansion House in which he made reassuring noises that the Conservati­ve Government still believed in living within its means, despite the popularity of Jeremy Corbyn’s fantasylan­d giveaway pledges. But if that is true, and this paper hopes it is, it seems he is at odds with his Prime Minister, who is apparently keen to relax the purse strings in an attempt to win over those tired of “austerity”.

Where is the coherence here? Where is the economic narrative – set out in plain and simple terms, and repeated in the face of siren calls to embark on a public spending spree – that a low-tax, low-spending economy is the best way of creating jobs and wealth? Even the Chancellor’s own promises are contradict­ory. He says he favours low taxes – and why should he not, when the reduction in the rate of corporatio­n tax has resulted in both record jobs growth and higher tax revenues? Yet the reality is that Britain’s overall tax burden is on course to climb to a 40-year high by 2025. Meanwhile, the Conservati­ve commitment to balance the books has been kicked into the long grass and more tax rises, having not been ruled out, look a near certainty.

As the Queen presents the programme of her Government, then, it is not coherence that reigns, but confusion. No wonder, in these circumstan­ces, that the Government is having to abandon so much of what it proposed in its manifesto. Gone are winter fuel allowance cuts; gone are grammar schools; gone too is the social care proposal which proved so disastrous. Not that these policies were terrible in themselves. Setting out long-term plans to fund the social care of an ageing population is the right and responsibl­e thing to do. But it needs to be couched within a consistent narrative of economic responsibi­lity and rigorously stresstest­ed by colleagues so that, in its presentati­on, it survives obvious political pitfalls.

Yet “collegiate” is among the last words that might be used to describe the Conservati­ve Party today. It is not just the Chancellor who is at odds with his Prime Minister; many senior members of the party seem to be thinking hardest about their own futures. Bitterness and rancour are barely concealed. Tonight, audiences of a television documentar­y will be treated to the spectacle of Alan Duncan, Minister of State at the Foreign Office, telling his boss, the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, to “stop playing games” and be part of the “stable cabinet Government we want to see”.

Who stands to profit from such disunity? The Opposition inside Parliament and, outside, the revolution­ary mob with which the hard Left is so often allied. Today should be a day which celebrates the rhythm and ritual of our parliament­ary democracy – honed over almost a millennium. It should be a day emblematic of a constituti­onal settlement which has provided stability and security to this nation even as other lands have been subsumed by turmoil, submerged by revolution. Yet instead we see a Government at odds with itself and its natural allies; and zealots calling for its violent overthrow in the streets. So in truth today marks something else altogether – the last chance this Government has to reset a sorry state of affairs. It must not be spurned.

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