The Daily Telegraph

Putting up pictures of the Queen is not enough, schools told in battle to halt extremism

- By Harry Yorke

SCHOOLS must do more to stop terrorism by properly promoting British values and not just putting up “pictures of the Queen,” the head of Ofsted has said.

Speaking at The Telegraph Festival of Education at Wellington College yesterday, Amanda Spielman said a spate of terrorist atrocities in London and Manchester had brought into “stark relief ” the threat posed by extremism.

Promising to crack down on extremism in schools, she added that schoolchil­dren needed to be equipped with the “knowledge and resilience” required to combat the violent rhetoric “peddled” by hate preachers.

“Of course, the curriculum doesn’t just mean a set of national curriculum or GCSE subjects, important as these are. It also means what is snappily titled: spiritual, moral, social and cultural developmen­t,” she said.

“One area where there is room to improve is the active promotion of fundamenta­l British values in our schools. Recent attacks in Westminste­r, London Bridge, Manchester and Finsbury Park have brought into stark relief the threats that we face.

“Just as important as our physical safety is making sure that young people have the knowledge and resilience they need to resist extremism of the sort peddled by those who, as our former prime minister David Cameron said, seek ‘to put hatred in their hearts and poison in their minds’.

“This goes back to what I’ve said about civilisati­on, and making sure we leave the country in a better place than we found it.”

Ms Spielman called on schools to do more than just employing “superficia­l passive displays” to build a sense of patriotism among their pupils, adding that children needed to receive a “real civic education” in “liberalism, tolerance and fairness to the rest of the world.”

“Teaching the young about British values is critical to developing that resilience. And by that, I do not mean superficia­l passive displays or tick box exercises. We’ve all seen it: the Union Jack in the corridor, the pictures of the Queen.”

Asked how Ofsted would monitor schools and how they promote British values, Ms Spielman said it came down to an “inspector’s judgment” and asking the “right type of questions” to “find out what is being done… rather than just paying lip service.”

“At the end of the day it’s about an inspector’s judgment. As soon as you say particular things it becomes a tick list, then they’ve done it. That’s exactly why I’m not producing a list of examples. It’s government policy, but there isn’t a prescribed translatio­n of it, so schools will have to work it out.”

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