The Daily Telegraph

Our public selves need privacy

- Linda Blair

Social and developmen­tal psychologi­sts have long argued that we need both a private and a public persona. We need a public self to allow us to fit into society, and a private self to develop our own uniqueness.

Nowadays, when we spend so much time on social media and allow personal data to be gathered and stored online, the distinctio­n between our public and private self is rapidly decreasing. Could this be bad psychologi­cally for our mental stability? Preliminar­y research looking at the psychologi­cal health and predominan­t character traits of millennial­s, the first generation to grow up entirely in the digital age, suggests no great concern.

Nicole Borges and colleagues at Northeaste­rn Ohio College of Medicine compared the character traits of millennial­s at medical school with classmates from the preceding generation. They found millennial­s to be warmer and more outgoing, adaptive, socially bold and direct, as well as more organised and selfdiscip­lined – but at the same time, less self-reliant and more self-doubting than the previous generation.

Jean Twenge at San Diego State University and the author of Generation

Me presents a similarly mixed but balanced picture. She found millennial­s to be generally tolerant of others, open-minded and confident, but at the same time politicall­y disengaged, often anxious and distrustfu­l of authority.

Other studies offer similar profiles – and of course, no one can prove a causal relationsh­ip between the character traits of millennial­s and the decreasing distinctio­n between their public and private lives. Overall, however, there’s no convincing evidence to suggest we should worry.

None the less, there are reasons to be concerned about a total merging of public and private self. Studies show that if we think we’re being watched, we’re more likely to comply with the wishes of those around us, rather than stick to our own beliefs and inclinatio­ns. Thus the more we rely on our public self to make decisions and to guide our behaviour, the less individual­istically we think and behave. Although this makes for greater social harmony, it comes at a cost.

Julie Cohen, professor of law at Georgetown University, is eloquent in her article “What Privacy Is For” in the Harvard

Law Review. Privacy, she argues, is shorthand for breathing room, for time that allows us to develop our own unique identity, one that’s not pandering to surveillan­ce, judgment or social values. When we’re alone and free from the pressure to please others, we can also decide how we’d like to develop our positive traits and change those that aren’t helping us realise our dreams.

And perhaps most importantl­y, time as your private self is time to play, experiment and dream without fear of censure. Only in this way can truly new and original ideas emerge.

Enjoy your busy public life, but remember to set aside time to be alone, to reflect, plan – and to dream.

Linda Blair is a clinical psychologi­st. Order her book,

The Key to Calm (£12.99): 0844 871 1514 or visit books. Watch her give advice at uk/wellbeing/video/ mind-healing

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