The Daily Telegraph

First in an emergency


SIR – In your report headed “999 handlers will get longer to assess calls” (July 13), you mention that a volunteer responder on a bike may attend life-threatenin­g calls.

These are community first responders (CFR). I am one. I live in a rural area and use my car to cover a radius of six miles.

We undergo continuous training, both within our group and with the ambulance service. As well as treating suspected heart attacks, asthma patients and other life-threatenin­g conditions, we attend cardiac arrests and carry a defibrilla­tor. We are taught how to use this and can perform effective cardiopulm­onary resuscitat­ion (CPR).

Britain has one of the worst rates in Europe of survival from cardiac arrest outside a hospital, and the possibilit­y of survival diminishes rapidly if CPR is not administer­ed. In an ideal world there would always be an ambulance available to meet an eight-minute response time. However, that is unlikely to happen in the near future, especially in rural areas. Jeremy Claydon

Biddenden, Kent

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