The Daily Telegraph

The Tories must seize their chance to set out a new vision for Britain


SIR – The summer recess cannot come too soon for the Conservati­ves. It will provide an opportunit­y for reflection, and a chance to regroup and refocus.

Regardless of what type of Brexit can be achieved, or indeed when the Prime Minister should step aside, attention must be given to how to prevent a Marxist-led political party being elected to govern Britain.

Countering this threat is a cause that should unite everyone who cares about freedom and democracy, the rule of law, property ownership and wealth creation. It will not be enough merely to campaign against Jeremy Corbyn’s unaffordab­le plans, or to attempt to emulate populist measures on tuition fees and anti-austerity.

A positive case needs to be made for wealth creation, social and welfare policies that encourage work and personal responsibi­lity, controls on immigratio­n and tighter anti-terror measures. On social media, the young must be persuaded of the dangers of Mr Corbyn’s rabble-rousing approach.

The Conservati­ves need to spend the summer working on such a plan to ensure a prosperous future for Britain. Sir Christophe­r Gent

Donnington, Berkshire

SIR – Having supported the Leave campaign and its standard-bearer, Ukip, it is with incredulit­y that I witness the current lethargy among the Tories.

What has happened to the passion of Liam Fox, Michael Gove, John Redwood, Boris Johnson and David Davis? Only my local MP, Jacob Rees-mogg, dares to speak out.

Together they need to put their heads above the parapet and lead us convincing­ly out of the EU. Rosy Drohan

Marksbury, Somerset

SIR – Since when has it been “treacherou­s” for a Chancellor to be concerned about the economy, either before or after Brexit (Letters, July 18)?

The real treachery is shown by the hardline Brexiteers, who remind us to abide by the “will of the people” even though many have admitted that, in the event of a Remain result, they would have carried on campaignin­g.

If the economy is wrecked, they will be held culpable. Philip Hammond should stick to his guns. Mike Gray

Ramsbottom, Lancashire

SIR – For years, people complained about “sofa government”. This reduced the Cabinet to a body that simply rubber-stamped decisions already made elsewhere.

We now have a different form of government. The Cabinet is a proper debating chamber in which different views are expressed and considered.

Not everyone was happy with Margaret Thatcher’s style. There were objections to the way in which Tony Blair made decisions. Now people are complainin­g about Theresa May.

The present system, however, is an example of grown-up government, and is better than the alternativ­es. Alan Cumming

Stratford-upon-avon, Warwickshi­re

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