The Daily Telegraph

Youtube terror searches will link to anti-isil videos


Video-streaming website Youtube says it will crack down on online Islamist extremism by redirectin­g anyone who searches for terrorist videos to instead show them films countering the propaganda.

Anyone searching for terms relating to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) will be offered playlists of videos “debunking its mythology”, the company said. The move comes after social media firms received fierce political criticism for allegedly doing too little to stop the spread of extremist material said to be responsibl­e for radicalisi­ng would-be jihadists.

In a blog post, the site, which is owned by Google, said: “When people search for certain keywords on Youtube, we will display a playlist of videos debunking violent extremist recruiting narratives.”

Youtube said it would be using techniques developed by the Redirect Method, a campaign that tries to steer those who might be vulnerable to Isil propaganda towards videos that debunk the group’s recruitmen­t tactics. Rather than making new videos, users will be directed towards existing antiisil films from around the world, the BBC reported.

Suitable films are expected to include testimony from Isil deserters, describing what life in the group was really like, or speeches from imams denouncing violence and extremism. The Redirect Method says pre-existing videos, rather than specially commission­ed content, are more effective because they are seen to be more trustworth­y.

Youtube said it would begin redirectin­g users searching for particular terms in English, but would later add other languages including Arabic.

While anybody searching for terrorist propaganda would be redirected, including academics and journalist­s, Youtube said such content was already against its terms and conditions and was removed when discovered.

Western security agencies have complained that online extremist material, such as sermons from hate preachers, is too readily available on social media and has played a significan­t part in the radicalisa­tion of some vulnerable jihadists.

Youtube said the move was “our latest effort to provide more resources and more content that can help change minds of people at risk of being radicalise­d”.

Speaking in Paris in June, Theresa May suggested online firms could face punishment for failing to remove extremist content.

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