The Daily Telegraph

Jail for stalker who drove his ex-partner to suicide

- By Daily Telegraph Reporter

A SERIAL stalker who drove his expartner to take her own life has been jailed for 10 years after admitting manslaught­er.

In what is believed to be a legal first, prosecutor­s brought a charge of unlawful killing against Nicholas Allen, 47, after an inquiry into the suicide of Justene Reece.

Stafford Crown Court was told the 46-year-old victim was found hanged at her home in February after leaving a note saying she had “run out of fight” following six months of threats from Allen.

At a previous hearing, Allen pleaded guilty to charges of manslaught­er, coercive behaviour and stalking, accepting that his abuse had led to Ms Reece’s death.

The court heard that within months of meeting and setting up home together in 2015, he became obsessive and controllin­g. When Ms Reece left him to live at a women’s shelter, he began stalking people close to her, trying to track her down. He made 3,500 attempts to contact her.

After learning of his ex-partner’s suicide at a property in Stafford, Allen conducted an internet search to establish whether he could be held legally responsibl­e for the death.

Imposing sentence, Judge Michael Chambers said Allen’s conduct had been appalling. Andrew Smith, prosecutin­g, said Allen had numerous conviction­s for offences against women dating back nearly 20 years, including threats to kill, use violence and burn down a house.

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