The Daily Telegraph

Less transgress­ive than its hero


Tom of Finland 18 cert, 114 min

Dir Dome Karukoski Starring

Pekka Strang, Jessica Grabowsky, Lauri Tilkanen, Werner Daehn, Seumas F Sargent

‘These are your men,” a Los Angeleno tells visitor Touko Laaksonen – aka the gay erotic artist Tom of Finland – while waving towards a swimming pool surrounded by beefy young guys in leather jackets.

What he means is they’re admirers of his work. It’s the early Sixties, samesex relationsh­ips are still illegal – and Laaksonen’s drawings of carefree homosexual dalliances are sources of satisfacti­on and solace.

But it’s clear they’re Tom’s men in another sense too: they actually look like the characters in his work come to grinning, bulging life. This Finnish film, directed by Dome Karukoski and starring Pekka Strang, is a generally tidy, wellacted and otherwise code-compliant biopic, but it’s also the story of how one man’s artistic and sexual procliviti­es came to shape the tastes of an entire culture. Early on, Laaksonen jokingly describes a certain part of his anatomy as “my boss”: its reaction ultimately determines whether or not his artworks pass muster. Considerin­g how much of a chord they went on to strike internatio­nally, it must have been uncannily tuned to the times.

Both Tom and his art are unambiguou­sly presented as products of those times: Aleksi Bardy’s script links his cartoon figures’ uniforms and hypermascu­line physiques to the Soviet and Nazi soldiers Laaksonen fought in the Second World War, and the Finnish police, who prowled gay spots in the uneasy postwar years. As he sketches in his room, the figures of oppression are transforme­d from the stuff of nightmares to playful dreamboys – a look that went on to inspire artists from Robert Mapplethor­pe to Freddie Mercury, not to mention the creative directors of countless underwear campaigns. Basically, sexual tension is his strong suit – a talent that’s put to good use in his day-job at a Helsinki advertisin­g agency, when he coaxes real chemistry from two (straight) colleagues posing for a reference photograph, while the lens of his camera lewdly extends in his lap.

The film is very good at capturing the milieus across which Tom’s life plays out, from the conservati­ve Helsinki surface to its clandestin­e gay subculture, which feels like the stuff of film noir. And later on, there is the fun, almost hallucinat­ory transition to sun-soaked California, when Tom meets Doug (Seumas F Sargent), an early American supporter, and makes a formal move into publishing and exhibiting his work.

Less convincing are the relationsh­ips: Laaksonen ends up living in an achingly awkward ménage a trois with his sister (Jessica Grabowsky) and a handsome gay lodger (Lauri Tilkanen) who catches both siblings’ eyes, but the prongs of this particular dilemma never build up much of an emotional charge. In tandem with the usual biopic drawbacks, from an unwieldy timeline to distractin­g ageing make-up, this makes Tom of Finland an interestin­g film rather than an engrossing one, and it’s hard not to wish it was a little more energised by its subject’s enduringly transgress­ive spirit. RC

 ??  ?? Tom boys: Pekka Strang as Touko Laaksonen and Lauri Tilkanen as Veli
Tom boys: Pekka Strang as Touko Laaksonen and Lauri Tilkanen as Veli

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