The Daily Telegraph

Alert as saboteurs are urged to disrupt Glorious Twelfth

- robin Page

♦ The start of the grouse-shooting season will take place amid heightened security today as organisers fear disruption from saboteurs “fuelled” by campaigner­s such as Chris Packham, the BBC wildlife presenter.

Estates taking part in the Glorious Twelfth are anticipati­ng an increase in incursions on to grouse moors and other protests.

The British Associatio­n of Shooting and Conservati­on (BASC) said local shoots were monitoring the activity of known saboteurs.

This year’s opening day follows interventi­ons by Chris Packham, who earlier this month described grouse shooting as “moorland vandalism” and called for it to be banned. The RSPB, of which Mr Packham is vice-president, is leading a campaign to force grouse moor owners to seek licences for shooting, saying gamekeeper­s are killing endangered hen harriers, which feed on grouse chicks.

A demonstrat­ion is planned on Ilkley Moor in West Yorkshire today against Bradford council’s licensing of grouse shooting on the land. A march to Downing Street organised by the League Against Cruel Sports, is also planned. The league says grouse shooting leads to the “persecutio­n” of other species on moorlands.

August 12 – the Glorious Twelfth to grouse shooters and the “inglorious” to others. I see grouse shooting through the eyes of someone who does not shoot but who loves wildlife and wild landscapes. I am not a birder or a “twitcher”; I am an old-fashioned conservati­onist who sees a link between responsibl­e shooting and conservati­on. Grouse moors and red grouse are a large part of that, and I love them both.

Yet the cry continues: “stop driven grouse shooting”. It really means “stop the toff ”, for grouse shooting is thought to be, quite wrongly, a preserve of the posh.

Last July in the beautiful Teesdale countrysid­e, I accompanie­d Lindsay Waddell, the former chairman of the National Gamekeeper­s’ Associatio­n – he was showing me numerous lapwings, curlews, red grouse and black grouse with their young. As the British countrysid­e shrinks with over-population and developmen­t, the 3.5 million acres of grouse moors have become the last retreats of some of our most beautiful and endangered game and wading birds. Research recently conducted by Newcastle and Durham universiti­es shows that grouse moors managed for shooting have far richer bird population­s than other moors.

There may have been ring ouzels in Teesdale too if the vulnerable fledglings had not been predated. The RSPB stance on predation is “minimum interventi­on”. Yet three years ago, when a variety of guards were watching a hen harrier’s nest in the Peak District, suddenly there was panic – the hen harriers were in danger – “intervene, intervene”; the young were being eaten by a pair of buzzards.

The hen harrier has become the icon of some birders who seem unable to understand the words “hen-harrier” which also meant that the bird was not popular with crofters, cottagers and peasants long before game shooting became a sport. The RSPB claims that there should be at least 300 pairs in England alone – more than there has probably ever been. Yet, this year just three pairs have nested in England. There may be some interferen­ce by a minority of gamekeeper­s, but the biggest culprits are foxes, badgers and badly managed moorlands – where are the hen harriers on Dartmoor or Exmoor with poor unkempt heather?

Moorland birds of all types like the mosaic of low heather and high heather achieved with a mixture of cutting and controlled burning. Sadly some organisati­ons, such as the National Trust, have restricted moorland management and numbers of many species have declined as a direct result.

An old farmer in the Peak District I have known for years is not happy with the continuing attacks on grouse shooting: “If ever it is stopped,” he says, “it will lead to the biggest wildlife calamity we have seen for years”.

Robin Page is chairman of the Countrysid­e Restoratio­n Trust

follow Robin Page on Twitter @Skylarkwar­rior;

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