The Daily Telegraph

Brexit deal that drags on could be challenged

EU ‘divorce’ taking too long may invite argument that transition has become de facto trade agreement

- By Peter Foster EUROPE EDITOR

A Brexit transition deal cannot last more than two years or it will risk being challenged in the European Court of Justice or being shot down in the German parliament, the Government has been warned.

The strict timeline on a transition after Brexit points to a toughening UK approach. “It’s now difficult to see how any interim period could go beyond two years given the threat of legal challenge,” said a senior Whitehall source with knowledge of the UK negotiatin­g position.

A BREXIT transition deal cannot last more than two years or it will risk being challenged in the European Court of Justice or shot down in the German parliament, the Government has been warned.

The strict timeline on a transition period after Brexit points to a toughening UK approach on the transition deal in which the UK will seek the right to negotiate and sign trade deals – although not finally implement them – during any transition period.

“It’s now difficult to see how any interim period could go beyond two years given the threat of legal challenge,” said a senior Whitehall source.

The UK also believes that national parliament­s, including the German Bundestag, would put pressure on national government­s to intervene if the transition period morphed into a de facto trade negotiatio­n.

Both sides in the Brexit talks have signalled that a transition period will be necessary to implement the Article 50 divorce deal, but there remains continued debate in both London and Brussels over the transition period length and what form it should take.

Philip Hammond, the Chancellor, has indicated a potential three-year transition period, but The Daily Telegraph understand­s that Downing Street and David Davis, the Brexit Secretary, are pushing for a much tighter time-frame to give a clear year before the 2022 general election.

The UK ambition to negotiate and sign trade deals during the transition is likely to encounter stiff opposition in Europe, where EU diplomats argue that the UK must accepts EU law, pay into the budget and give up right to negotiate trade deals during any transition period. The desire to negotiate trade deals – hinted at by Mr Hammond and Liam Fox in a recent joint article in The Daily Telegraph – would also require high levels of detail on the future UK-EU trading relationsh­ip to be included in the Article 50 agreement.

This puts the UK firmly at odds with Brussels, which has argued that the Article 50 divorce deal can only include a very broad outline of a framework EUUK future relationsh­ip deal, but that the details must concluded in a separate negotiatio­n.

Despite this, The Daily Telegraph understand­s the UK will still continue its push for an agreement that will enable them to negotiate trade deals, with the transition limited to what Theresa May has called “implementa­tion phase”.

Catherine Barnard, professor of EU law at Cambridge University, said that allowing the Article 50 divorce proceeding­s to become a permanent state of affairs, or a backdoor to remaining in the EU, would invite a court challenge.

Under EU law, the Article 50 “divorce deal” can be agreed after a majority vote by EU member states, but comprehens­ive trade deals with independen­t countries – which the UK will become after Brexit – must be unanimousl­y agreed under Article 218.

“Article 50 says nothing on transition. All it contains is a reference to ‘taking account of the framework for its future relationsh­ip with the Union’ but that allows us to read transition­al arrangemen­ts into that language,” she explained.

“However, if a transition period went on too long, it’s highly likely someone might challenge the legality by arguing this transition has become a de facto trade agreement and is circumvent­ing the requiremen­t that trade deals are negotiated under Article 207 or Article 217 and the legal procedures set out under Article 218.”

Because of the lack of specificit­y in Article 50, there remain legal grey areas over how long a transition could be permitted under Article 50.

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