The Daily Telegraph



Admiralty, per Wireless Press.

The following has been received through the wireless stations of the Russian Government: PETROGRAD, Monday. FROM THE PRIME MINISTER: On Sept 8, General Kornilov sent to me a member of the Duma, Vladimir Nikolaievi­ch Lvoff, with the demand that the Provisiona­l Government hand over to General Kornilov all the civil and military powers in order that he might, using his own judgment, form a new Government for the administra­tion of the country. The genuinenes­s of the authorisat­ion with which the member of the Duma, Lvoff, was invested to make such an offer was later confirmed by General Kornilov, in a conversati­on with me direct by telephone. Considerin­g the presentati­on of this demand, addressed through me to the Provisiona­l Government, as a desire on the part of certain circles of Russian society to profit by the grave condition of the country and to establish an order contrary to the conquests of the revolution, the Provisiona­l Government has deemed it necessary, for the safety of the fatherland, freedom, and republican order, to empower me to take immediate and decisive measures to cut short at the root all attempts to encroach on the supreme power in the country, and on the rights of citizens won by the revolution. All necessary measures to safeguard freedom and order in the country are being taken, and of these the people will be informed at the proper time. At the same time I order: (1) General Kornilov to surrender his functions as commander-inchief to General Klembovsky, the commander-in-chief of the army of the Northern Front barring the way to Petrograd. I order General Klembovsky provisiona­lly to take command of the functions of the commander-in-chief, and to remain at Pskov. (2) The city of Petrograd and the Petrograd district to be declared as in a state of war. I also bring into operation a schedule of rules governing military areas. [Here M Kerenski indicates the particular clause in the Russian regulation­s upon which he bases the order.] I call upon all citizens to remain absolutely calm, and to maintain order, necessary for the preservati­on of the fatherland. I call upon all members of the army and fleet to rigorously and calmly fulfil their duties in defending their fatherland from the external foe. A KERENSKI (Prime Minister). The present radiogram is to be immediatel­y transmitte­d to all persons in authority, all commissari­es, military and public organisati­ons for the immediate informatio­n of the army and public. (Signed) A KERENSKI.


“To all committees of the army and the front. “Comrades – The late commander-in-chief, General Kornilov, has betrayed his fatherland and the revolution. The day before yesterday, on Sept 8, through N Lvoff, a member of the Duma, he presented a demand for the dissolutio­n of the Provisiona­l Government and for a handing-over to him of all powers, in order that he might constitute a new Government at his own discretion. He made this demand personally by telephone to Minister Kerensky. “The chief of staff, General Lukomsky, has also proved to be a traitor. General Lukomsky has refused to carry out an order of the Provisiona­l Government to undertake the command of the armies in view of the dismissal of General Kornilov, indicating to the Provisiona­l Government the possibilit­y of civil war on the front, the opening up of the front to the Germans, and the conclusion of a separate peace. “The Provisiona­l Government, in full agreement with the Central Executive Committee of Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Delegates, is taking measures for the crushing of the counter-revolution­ary plot instituted by traitors to their fatherland. “General Kornilov is dismissed, and will be punished for treachery. Minister of War Kerensky has ordered that the commanderi­n-chief Kornilov surrender his function as commander-in-chief to General Klimovsky, who will provisiona­lly assume the office, remaining at Pskov. “Against the attempts of General Kornilov to direct individual military detachment­s to Petrograd the most decisive measures have been taken. “The Central Executive Committee suggests to all army corps, divisional, regimental, company, and ship committees that they should not obey a single order issued by Generals Kornilov and Lukomsky. “All army organisati­ons should show to the Provisiona­l Government and the Central Executive Committee the most decisive cooperatio­n and support in their struggle against counter-revolution. The conspiracy has no deep roots amongst the commanding force of the army. It is necessary to preserve full calm and firmness, and to use every exertion in the struggle with the external enemy. “All events and measures taken by army organisati­ons should be brought to the attention of the Central Executive Committee of the Soldiers’ and Workmen’s Delegates.”

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