The Daily Telegraph

New Zealand MP Jian Yang denies being a Chinese spy

- By Our Foreign Staff

AN MP in New Zealand who once received military and intelligen­ce training in China has denied allegation­s that he is a spy for Beijing, saying he is the victim of a racist smear.

Politician Jian Yang, who was born in China, was the subject of an investigat­ion by New Zealand’s intelligen­ce services over his links to an elite Chinese spy school, according to a joint investigat­ion by the Financial Times and the website

They reported that Mr Yang, who was elected to parliament in 2011 for the ruling National Party, had not disclosed his background as a teacher at China’s top linguistic­s academy for military intelligen­ce officers. The FT said no other Western nation was known to have a sitting MP with such extensive links to China’s intelligen­ce community.

Mr Yang condemned the “defamatory statements” and said he was a proud New Zealander who had been transparen­t about his background.

He questioned the timing of the allegation­s ahead of elections on Sept 23 in which his party is in a tight race to retain power.

“This is a smear campaign by nameless people who are out to damage me and the National Party 10 days from an election, just because I am Chinese,” he said in a statement.

Bill English, New Zealand’s prime minister, said Mr Yang had never tried to hide that he had military and intelligen­ce training in China.

“There hasn’t been a question about his loyalty to New Zealand,” he said.

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