The Daily Telegraph

Britain wants no part of the EU federalist vision


SIR – Yesterday I sat in the European Parliament chamber as the president, Jean-claude Juncker, delivered his State of the Union speech.

It left me shocked and relieved in equal measure. Shocked by the scale and speed at which the bloc plans to plough ahead towards a European superstate, yet relieved that Britain will not have to be part of it.

Nearly all of the Eurocrats’ cherished pet schemes were there. Mr Juncker called for a European army with its own budget independen­t of national defence structures or Nato; for supranatio­nal voting to elect MEPS who “represent” the whole of Europe, rather than countries or regions; for a single currency that covers the whole EU with no opt-outs, and for an EU finance minister to direct national treasuries.

He also demanded a Schengen free-movement zone that includes Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia – and presumably Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania, too, when their accession programmes are complete. There is to be a single president lording it over both the Commission and the EU Council, and a Europe-wide asylum scheme with compulsory quotas for member states.

It was like a greatest hits album: Now That’s What I call Federalism.

I thank God that we have chosen a different course.

Amjad Bashir MEP (Con)

Halifax, West Yorkshire

SIR – Jean-claude Juncker says that Britain will regret leaving the EU (report, September 13).

I am sure that he will do his personal best to ensure that this is the case pour encourager les autres.

Brian Checkland


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