The Daily Telegraph

I woke to find my friend having sex with me during sleepover, claims undergradu­ate


A UNIVERSITY student was raped by a friend after she woke up at her halls of residence after they spent an evening drinking beer and prosecco to find herself on top of him, a court heard.

She had invited Joshua Lines, 23, to stay in her room after they attended a party together and they fell asleep together while watching Lady and the Tramp, jurors were told. But the Manchester University student said she was woken up hours later by the sound of a laptop falling off her bed, to find herself on top of Lines while he assaulted her. The woman – who denied being drunk – told Manchester Crown Court: “When we got back, we decided to watch a film. I went to the bathroom and got changed and Josh was already in the bed. I put the film on and I remember before falling asleep [he] cuddled me but that was nothing unusual. I assume we fell asleep like that. But I woke up on top of him and he was having sex with me and I said, ‘I know what you have just done’ and I went into the bathroom and locked the door.

“Josh came to the door and said stuff to me but I couldn’t hear. He then left the flat. He sent me a Facebook message saying, ‘What’s happened’. I replied, ‘I don’t want anything to do with you’.” Justin Hayhoe, prosecutin­g, said: “The complainan­t and the defendant had known each other for some time but their relationsh­ip was platonic. She had no feeling there would be anything untowards happening.”

Brian Mckenna, defending, said: “You had both consumed more alcohol than you say. You and Joshua, after a night out, ended up in bed together and before you went to sleep, there was an element of cuddling. In drink, did things happen which you decided you didn’t want and then shouted rape?”

Lines, from Wigan, denies rape. The hearing continues.

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