The Daily Telegraph

Plus Party shoes you can walk in

Facing – and succumbing to – temptation on the search for the perfect evening shoe


Wandering down the Burlington Arcade off Piccadilly recently, I visited Manolo Blahnik’s charming little shoe shop. I tried to content myself with window-shopping but was, in no time, lured inside. The reason was the perfect evening shoe, at least for me, with a low block heel and a bit of sparkle that I always love.

In spite of its perfection, I declared myself to be just looking, and left considerin­g whether I could honestly justify the purchase. As a result, I then spent a good deal of time looking at evening shoes and am delighted to report that

I found some really pretty ones right across the price range.

I was specifical­ly searching for lower heels, although I did see a good high-heeled satin shoe at M&S; if only I still felt comfortabl­e in high stilettos.

I also wanted something that would catch the eye, in a lovely colour or with some sort of embellishm­ent. My evening wardrobe is very simple with rather a lot of black and a bit of colour or sparkle will quickly liven it up without having to replace it entirely. Of course, a pair of black velvet or satin shoes would be the sensible purchase, but I crave something less predictabl­e.

I steered right away from any sort of platform or mule. The former because of a horrid ankle injury a few years back which frightened me off forever;

My evening wardrobe is very simple and a bit of colour or sparkle livens it up

the latter because you can’t keep them on easily unless you go bare-legged and in winter that is too challengin­g, at least for my lily-livered legs.

The final obstacle was to find a comfortabl­e pair without pointed toes, which I find crippling. I used to wear stilettos with very pointed toes and as a result, did my feet irreparabl­e harm. I suffer to this day and imagine others may, too. An almond toe, although not as au courant as a pointed one, is far more comfortabl­e.

Strictly between you and me, I have to admit that in the end, I found myself back at Manolo’s little shop buying that perfect pair. I justified them to myself because I know I shall wear them for years to come, not only in the evening but for weddings and other formal occasions, too. That, and the fact that they make me – and my poor feet – very happy.

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