The Daily Telegraph

Juncker’s attack on May shows his true colours


Say what you like about the Brexit negotiatio­ns, at least they have crushed once and for all the myth of the EU as some kind of brotherhoo­d of man, with free Belgian truffles for its grateful servant peoples.

The spiteful, self-serving side of this woefully undemocrat­ic organisati­on is on full view. In the latest round of hostilitie­s, Martin Selmayr, Jean-claude Juncker’s chief of staff, stands accused of leaking another unflatteri­ng account of a private dinner that Theresa May had with the odious, occasional­ly sober President of the European Commission.

Apparently, Druncker said that Mrs May “begged” him for help at the meal during which she appeared “anxious, despondent and tormented”. The article went on: “The Prime Minister is drawn from the struggle with her own party. Under her eyes, she wears deep rings. She looks like someone who does not sleep through the night.”

Ooof! That really is too much. A GP friend tells me that the PM’S dark circles are a classic sign of Type 1 diabetes.

Mrs May is being picked on – bullied, I should say – for a serious medical condition that she is doing brilliantl­y to keep under control at the most stressful time imaginable. She could be forgiven for knocking back a bottle of Jean-claude’s

best claret ( just add it to our $60billion bill, garçon) and putting herself into a coma to escape his clammy clutches.

I have been reading Yanis Varoufakis’s Adults in the Room: My Battle with Europe’s Deep Establishm­ent. Greece’s former finance minister gives a scathing account of his doomed attempt to negotiate with the Brussels Giant Squid. The EU, he says, will stoop to anything – lies, treachery, propaganda – to preserve its beloved Grand Project. “I warned Theresa May she is going to get the EU runaround,” Varoufakis says.

Voluble Remainer Anna Soubry told Radio 4’s Any Questions that the mood in the UK is shifting as the huge difficulti­es of Brexit become apparent. I agree that the mood is shifting, but not in the direction either Soubry or the EU would like. This is not a country that takes threats or humiliatio­n lying down.

We didn’t give 450,900 precious lives and all of our spirit and treasure to liberate Europe so that a smug boys’ club, led by a pie-eyed toad, could make ugly misogynist remarks about our Prime Minister. Did we?

 ??  ?? Theresa May greets Jean-claude Juncker outside No 10
Theresa May greets Jean-claude Juncker outside No 10

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