The Daily Telegraph

I lost myself in the loneliness of motherhood

After giving up her business to raise a family, Marina Fogle soon realised the stay-at-home parent life wasn’t enough


The curse of Strictly Come Dancing has become folkloric; each autumn as a new batch of contestant­s line up in Lycra, the tabloids speculate which of them will be removing their wedding ring. But now, the BBC series has been hit by another curse altogether: that of Modern Motherhood.

In an interview with The Sunday Telegraph’s Stella magazine earlier this month, Strictly 2016 contestant Louise Redknapp revealed that her recent split from husband Jamie was not due to a wandering eye, but because, by participat­ing in the show last year, she had rediscover­ed herself. Fifteen years after quitting the limelight, the former pop singer realised that the role she thought she coveted – that of mother and wife – was just not enough: “I have spent most of my life pleasing everyone else, worrying about being judged and thinking I should always do the right thing by staying at home, looking after my kids and my husband,” she said. It was a sentiment she repeated this week, telling Hello magazine: “I lost myself. It happens to a lot of women when they get married and have children.”

Her words rang loudly in my ears and I know from the chatter at the school gates these past weeks that I am not alone. You see, it could have been me talking and, eight years ago, I found myself in a similar situation. I might not have been married to a Premier League footballer, but my husband was a man who could comfortabl­y provide for his family. I didn’t need to work and realised, pretty quickly after having my first son, Ludo, that I didn’t really want to go back to my job in any case.

It wasn’t practical for a start. I ran an events company; working nights and weekends would be incompatib­le with my life as a mother – one whose husband was mostly away. Raising my family was the most important job I would ever have. So I sold the company that I had spent my 20s building up, and settled down to life as a stay-at-home-mum. Our daughter, Iona, swiftly followed and I was soon swallowed by the chaos that comes with having two children under the age of two.

But, as the months crept by, and those babies grew into toddlers, I realised I wanted more. A year after Iona was born, I found myself at a dinner party, surrounded by inspiring people. I was sitting next to a man who had climbed Everest while pursuing a political career. He regaled me with sparkling stories before asking what I did. With horror, I realised I was the most boring person in the room.

That feeling of insecurity continued to grow. My husband, the adventurer Ben Fogle, would come home and tell me about meetings at Downing Street or his next expedition. Then, ever the gentleman, he would ask about my day. Trying to find excitement in Monkey Music depressed me even further.

I was listless and reluctant to even get out of bed. I was never cut out to be a Stepford Wife; I couldn’t care less whether my tea towels were nicely folded, and because I was with my children every single day, the joy of building Lego and squeaking balls was becoming lost on me. I could see myself turning into a bored mother and a bolshy wife.

More than that, I was lonely. It’s not like you can have a meaningful conversati­on with a two-year-old. I craved lively debate and longed to argue a case. I ended up lecturing the owner of my local corner shop on the evils of plastic bags. It dawned on me that I desperatel­y needed other adults to challenge me and stop me obsessing about the little things.

One bleak January morning, as I sat at home, alone, desperatel­y texting friends to see if anyone would meet me for a coffee, I realised that I needed another job – other than Mum. It was a crucial moment in my life, and resulted in a decision that – especially after reading Louise Redknapp’s words – I am relieved to have taken.

Five years on, I run The Bump Class, helping prepare pregnant women for motherhood. I’ve published a book, I write articles and have just launched a podcast, The Parent Hood. My days are full. Right now, it’s 5am and I am sitting at my computer, before I wake the children for school. I use an app to organise the weekly shop, birthday presents, dry cleaning, babysittin­g and jobs that took my mother most of the week. There are times when I am exhausted, but then adrenaline kicks in, making me feel alive – and a much nicer person to be around.

Of course, there are challenges. I defy any working mother to say that she gives enough to all the people that matter. I’ve often felt like throwing in the towel, because I want to pick my son up from school. Some days, as I trudge out of the house at 5pm to teach an evening class, I wish I could curl up in front of the fire and read my children a story. But life is about compromise and I feel the sacrifices are worth it.

The real difference, though, is in me. A mother is a fundamenta­l part of the family and her wellbeing is paramount. I remember Ben remarking on how much I had changed, about a year after getting back to work. It was a throwaway comment, but I was astonished when he elaborated on how much happier and full of energy I was.

My profession­al life has also allowed me to develop as a person. The day my book was published, I stood up in front of 200 people and made my first ever speech, and I’ve just run my first half-marathon, raising more than £11,000 for Tommy’s, the baby charity. I’m more confident, wiser and happier. Those years as a mother, when I wasn’t working, felt like I was stagnating.

I am not saying that every mother should work – staying at home can, for many women, be just as fulfilling. But what I do know is that being a little bit selfish and not disregardi­ng your needs as an individual is crucial in the context of a joyful family life.

That motherhood is the most difficult and rewarding job on the planet has been trumpeted by some of the most powerful women in business. But it is just that: a job, and one from which, when your children are grown-up, you will be made redundant. A friend recently sobbed on my shoulder that, since hers had flown the nest, she felt obsolete. She’d spent 20 years nurturing them and now it seemed she had nothing – and the producers of Strictly weren’t about to come calling.

The trouble is that, eventually, a mother needs her children more than they need her. When Redknapp started working again and nervously explained to her brood that she might not always be there to make tea, they were flippantly fine about it.

So I will take heart. Because although the decision to pursue my career sometimes feels hard, it was the right choice for me.

Plus, I no longer feel like the most boring person at a dinner party. Surely, that’s got to be worth it?

‘The joy of building Lego was lost on me’

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 ??  ?? Strictly speaking: Marina Fogle, above, and Louise Redknapp, below
Strictly speaking: Marina Fogle, above, and Louise Redknapp, below
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