The Daily Telegraph

I’ve witnessed our universiti­es’ EU love affair for 40 years

Academics’ hatred of Brexit is all too real. I have 40 years’ experience of their love affair with the EU

- FOLLOW Alan Sked on Twitter @profsked; READ MORE at opinion ALAN SKED Alan Sked is Emeritus Professor of Internatio­nal History at LSE

Chris Heaton-harris MP is in trouble for asking universiti­es for informatio­n about their European Studies courses, in a letter widely interprete­d as implying massive anti-brexit bias. If he had asked me, he could have saved himself the bother. I’ve 40 years’ experience of universiti­es’ love affair with the EU.

Between 1980 and 1990, I was Convenor of the MA in European Studies programme at the LSE. I was also co-chairman of its postgradua­te European Studies research seminar and met many academics who specialise­d in the EU. Were they objective? Many held titles such as Jean Monnet Professor or Jean Monnet Reader or Jean Monnet Lecturer, which implied that they were wholly or partly funded by Brussels. Most worked on the institutio­ns or policies of the EU or on how the process of integratio­n developed. All took it for granted that European unificatio­n was a benevolent aim and that integratio­n brought more peace, prosperity and democracy.

By 1990, I no longer believed this, and founded the Anti-federalist League in 1991, which became Ukip in 1993. My students became discontent­ed and told me I should no longer teach them European history (I never lectured on the EU). The LSE supported me, but I gave up teaching my course to go on sabbatical. My colleagues, however, continued to support the EU. It took a long time before they admitted that there was a democratic deficit or that the euro was not working. Today, leading specialist­s take a more critical view, but they all hate Brexit.

Curiously, so, too, do most academics who are not specialist­s in the EU. During the referendum, the universiti­es were mobilised as never before behind Government policy and claimed that Brexit would lead to the withdrawal of all EU research funds and that foreign researcher­s would no longer come to Britain. There was no evidence for this. All EU Research Infrastruc­ture Consortia are open to non-member states and member states on the same basis, with equal voting rights. The likes of CERN and the European Space Programme have nothing to do with the EU. In any case, the Government has promised to make good any funding that might be lost.

Nor is there any evidence that academics have been put off coming here. If they have, it can only have been on account of the anti-brexit scare stories spread by universiti­es themselves. Vice-chancellor­s and professors are still writing ill-informed, if not mendacious, letters and articles.

There is no doubt that Brexit is deeply resented by British universiti­es, who see it simplistic­ally as a rejection of internatio­nal collaborat­ion or even xenophobia. Hence the letters to their foreign students assuring them they are still loved. The fact that institutio­ns dedicated to critical thought can take such a monolithic and unscientif­ic view is bewilderin­g. Our academic nomenklatu­ra and its apparatchi­ks are behaving like the staff of Soviet universiti­es, following the party line even after the policy has failed.

It gets personal, too. On a recent visit to LSE, I was rebuked by a former pro-director with the words: “You were the only person here who voted for Brexit.” When I attended a leaving party for a colleague, I was accosted by a world-famous historian, who shouted above everyone else in the room: “---- off! You founded Ukip. You are responsibl­e for this mess. So just ---- off!” It took a quarter of an hour to calm him down. Others there clearly agreed with him, although most of my colleagues have behaved admirably.

Does this matter? Most students are intelligen­t enough to see the defects of the EU and will recognise propaganda when they are offered it. In any case, the majority of university courses have nothing to do with the EU. As for grants and foreign staff, in the end university life will return to normal.

Heaton-harris could have found most of the informatio­n he sought online without upsetting our overpaid and over-sensitive vice-chancellor­s. But his letter touched a nerve. Universiti­es have a lot to live down. Instead of acting in a neutral manner during the referendum, they behaved in the most grotesquel­y partisan fashion possible. Let us hope that they have learnt their lesson. They have tarred their reputation for objectivit­y.

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