The Daily Telegraph

Juliet Samuel

The West must reinvent democracy for a new age


One year ago, an “impossible” thing happened: Donald Trump was elected President of the United States. His election, on the back of promises to build a wall and dismantle the West’s major geopolitic­al institutio­ns, was greeted with hysteria and prophesies of doom. A year later, his administra­tion is mired in scandal, unable even to staff its department­s, and it looks like much ado about nothing.

Don’t assume, however, that normal service will resume in a few years. Yesterday, thousands marched through London wearing Guy Fawkes masks to protest against voting, against capitalism, against government. The marchers think they are cool and alternativ­e. But they also have much in common with the older, reactionar­y voters who brought Mr Trump to power. Both groups have lost faith in the institutio­ns, convention­s and values of Western liberal democracy.

It seems fitting that, with the political tectonic plates shifting, Westminste­r is mired in a bizarre sex scandal. It reached a new level of insanity yesterday with the news that an adult minister might have looked at legal porn on his own computer and must now be “investigat­ed”. The pall of sleaze hangs over everything, so that we can no longer separate serious from trivial, fact from fiction.

This trend that has been on the march for decades, if not centuries. Between the world wars, Walter Benjamin, a German critic, documented the extraordin­ary emergence of mass culture: shopping malls, advertisem­ents, city amusements and popular literature. Writing had, he observed, been “pitilessly dragged out onto the street” and, for the first time, plastered on billboards and glossy magazines.

Reading and writing, from their invention in Phoenicia, were the preserve of kings and priests. Half a millennium ago, the printing press and the Reformatio­n brought the realisatio­n that biblical text and knowledge are for everyone. Learning spread to a class of mandarins and intellectu­als until, in Benjamin’s time, it blasted out of libraries and parlours into the consciousn­ess of the masses.

Benjamin thought this reinventio­n of literacy would liberate the world. The masses had finally thrown off the shackles of awe and ignorance and would not be told how to live by priests and kings. He was right that a revolution was coming. But instead of liberation, it brought the Nazis.

Consider what Adolf Hitler offered voters. He promised identity, strength and order. This wasn’t just about hyper-inflation and reparation­s. It drew also from the erosion of village, family and traditiona­l, religious life, and the resulting experience of meaningles­sness, nihilism, and yearning for a sense of belonging.

The point of this is not to suggest, fatuously, that Mr Trump is a new Hitler. Rather, it’s to understand that we are experienci­ng the continuati­on of a technologi­cal trend that, badly handled, presents an existentia­l threat to democracy. We are now living not in an age of learning, but informatio­n. The dismemberm­ent of text from its authoritat­ive context has continued at breakneck speed. Instead of reading books or journals, we browse fragments of thought and news online. Newspapers, doctors, spin doctors, politician­s: Google and Facebook have given us ways to second-guess or cut out all of them. The new medium has shattered knowledge into pieces – bytes, gifs and status updates. This is liberating, yes, but also overwhelmi­ng and dangerous.

Russia’s interferen­ce in Western elections shows how dangerous. It would be an exaggerati­on to suggest that Mr Trump won just because of Moscow. But it is becoming clear that foreign powers, who wish ill on us, can target our population­s with subversive messages on a mass scale.

Misinforma­tion or “fake news” has rarely spread so fast or found such a hungry audience. It’s helped by the way in which we browse, rather than absorb, informatio­n, picking up loose impression­s that feed “narratives” over facts. As Moscow understood, it isn’t necessary to convince voters of an alternativ­e argument. All that’s needed is to erode faith in the idea of truth. If no one knows what to believe, they stop trying. Cynicism and nihilism are the result.

We are cutting loose from the Enlightenm­ent ideas of truth and scientific reason. The loss of religion, family and the erosion of the nation have left us adrift. The world has never seemed so meaningles­s. Perspectiv­es and “theories of thought” have replaced facts as arbiters of righteousn­ess. “Fake news” is the applicatio­n of this academic phenomenon on a mass scale.

In the West, political institutio­ns have struggled to cope. Their first response, after World War Two, was technocrat­ic. The idea was to enshrine values, like rule of law, human rights and capitalism, in internatio­nal institutio­ns. This might work for Germany, but in the Anglo-saxon world, through Brexit and Mr Trump’s election, voters have declared that they want a new approach.

What that should be we don’t yet know. The answer, I am sure, is evolution rather than revolution, but it certainly isn’t to ignore the message. Voters feel deeply the loss of meaning brought by technology and want to slow down. Most don’t want to abolish the nation, embrace whirlwind demographi­c change or surrender all economic security and continuity. Of course, there’s a limit to how much government­s can slow change and applying blunt instrument­s to do so will fail. But if political elites override voters, by stopping Brexit or forcing out Mr Trump, for example, they will only foster extremism.

Mr Trump is about to embark on a tour of Asia, where he will visit China, the world’s rising power. If you want an example of how an authoritar­ian regime responds to technologi­cal change, China is exhibit A. Beijing is using the informatio­n age to track and control citizens’ every move. The rise of a middle class isn’t tending towards democracy, but totalitari­anism.

The task of the West, especially the Anglo-saxon world, is to reinvent democracy for a new age. It’s about developing a sense of belonging as well as freedom, fostering mass political participat­ion without mob rule, encouragin­g free speech alongside respect, harnessing our newfound diversity to further an exchange of ideas rather than shut down debate. The responsibi­lity for this is on all of us – parents, neighbours, citizens, politician­s, employers, workers, teachers, thinkers and so on. And if, in the end, we fail, or choose revolution over reform, the failure will be ours. It will be no good blaming Russia.

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