The Daily Telegraph

Vitamin D can help to heal burns victims, study suggests

- By Sarah Knapton

VITAMIN D supplement­s can speed up the time it takes for burns to heal and help prevent scarring, a study suggests. The vitamin, which is produced naturally in the body when the skin comes into contact with sunshine, is believed to help protect against burning.

Previous studies have shown that vitamin D supplement­s help decrease inflammati­on, redness and swelling after sunburn, and it is thought this may be one of the reasons that the body produces the chemical.

Now research from Birmingham University has found that it may also help to combat other types of burn. Researcher­s monitored 38 patients who had suffered serious burns for a year and recorded their levels of vitamin D. They found that those with the highest levels of vitamin D had better wound healing, fewer complicati­ons and less scarring.

This study is the first to investigat­e the role of vitamin D in recovery from burn injury. Prof Janet Lord, director of the Institute of Inflammati­on and Ageing at Birmingham University, said: “Low vitamin D levels were associated with worse outcomes in burn patients, including life-threatenin­g infections, mortality and delayed wound healing.

“Low levels were also associated with worse scarring, but vitamin D levels are something generally overlooked by clinicians. Major burn injury severely reduces vitamin D levels and adding this vitamin back may be a simple, safe and cost-effective way to improve outcomes for burns patients, with minimal cost to NHS.”

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