The Daily Telegraph

Children riding bikes to school told to get number plate

- By Jamie Johnson

PUPILS will be banned from cycling to school unless they have a number plate, a headteache­r has announced.

Kevin Batchelor has told youngsters at Beacon School in Banstead, Surrey, they will have to ask their parents to sign a contract in which they promise to adhere to the Highway Code if they want a “permit in the form of a number plate”.

He said the move aimed to stop them riding irresponsi­bly as the plates – attached beneath the seat – would help identify who needed training and safety awareness sessions.

Mr Batchelor told The Daily Telegraph it was designed to develop the students’ sense of responsibi­lity on the road, adding: “We will provide extra training to students where it is needed. We have had positive comments from families about this scheme and I have been happy to engage with the cycling community.”

Licence plates on bikes are not new to the area, and other institutio­ns in the GLF Schools academies enforce the same rules, he added.

But campaigner­s have questioned the decision amid concerns it may put children off cycling to school.

Chris Boardman, the Olympic cycling gold medallist, wrote on Twitter: “Apart from not being legal (to dictate how people travel outside of school, and mandate things that aren’t required by law), I’d be pretty upset if I was a parent. If you really care about the children’s safety, this isn’t it...”

Sam Jones, a campaigner for Cycling UK, added: “I’m pretty dismayed by what is happening here. I’m concerned about confiscati­on and its legality and that this would be a barrier to more people cycling.”

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