The Daily Telegraph

Sugar daddies have no place in student life


It’s GCSE year in Woods Towers, and just when my 15-year-old butterfly should be at home, crushing herself on the wheel of Michael Gove’s punishing new curriculum, we’re traipsing round sixth-form colleges.

Still, it’s a splendid opportunit­y to chit-chat about learning pathways, universiti­es and whether she’d like to fund her studies by taking up with a lecherous boulevardi­er.

“You mean a sugar daddy?” she asks. “Well, as I see it, it solves two problems that are becoming really major issues in modern society – spiralling student debt and chronic loneliness among old people.”

She is winding me up. I hope she is winding me up. But she wants to study sociology, so she might not be winding me up. She might actually believe it.

The subject arose because a huge billboard appeared outside Queens’ College Cambridge advertisin­g a website richmeetsb­

Its strapline reads: “All Students! Romance, passion, fun and in-study loan? Date a Sugar Daddy or Sugar Mama.”

Five of these billboards will be touring 12 university towns in a bid to drum up interest in the site. Terrifying. But having logged on – partly in the interests of research, partly because I imagine sugar daddies all look like Young Mr Grace from Are You Being Served? – I was reassured.

None of this vague air of exploitati­on; this is upfront transactio­nalism. Plus, it’s entirely American. If our daughters and sons are to be exploited, let them be exploited in pounds sterling!

Sugar babies are expected to tick a box correspond­ing to their living costs: negotiable, low, moderate, substantia­l and high. High is more than £7,500 a month, which is pretty hard to spend in Cambridge, even though there is a Debenhams.

And as for sugar daddies, I think they have been cut and pasted very badly. A fat bloke from Buckhurst Hill in a hoodie posing with a plastic pirate claims to be worth £100million.

I’m not sure how I resisted, but somehow I did. I think the next generation will, too.

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