The Daily Telegraph

‘I survived a thundercla­p headache’

It kills a third of sufferers before they reach hospital. Yet thundercla­p headaches are still little-known, says

- Hillary Freeman

Louise Cole had just come off the phone to her mother when an unseen mugger hit her over the back of her head with a brick. At least, that was what it felt like. “It was an explosion in my head, so sudden and so violent and so excruciati­ng that I hit the floor,” recalls the 51-year-old writer from Northaller­ton, North Yorkshire. “I felt completely dazed. It was by far the worst pain I have ever experience­d – and I’m someone who gave birth without pain relief. I knew something was terribly wrong.”

Doctors call this excruciati­ng pain a “thundercla­p headache” and it is characteri­stic of a Sub Arachnoid Haemorrhag­e (SAH), an intra-cranial aneurysm (weak area in a blood vessel) that bursts without warning. A SAH is so deadly that it kills a third of those it affects before they reach hospital, with a further quarter dying once there. The majority of survivors are left with long-term deficits and disabiliti­es.

Louise’s cerebral mugging occurred shortly after her 50th birthday. Like her, most of those affected by SAH are female and relatively young – incidence peaks in the forties and fifties. Sharon Stone, the actress, famously had a SAH at 43, spending two years learning to walk and talk again.

Nitin Mukerji, consultant neurosurge­on at James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbro­ugh, is campaignin­g for better awareness and funding for the condition. “It may be much rarer than stroke, affecting about 10 in 100,000 of the population, and it doesn’t get the media attention, but the costs to society and economy are just as high,” he says. “Unlike strokes, which generally affect the elderly, SAH strikes young people of productive age, often those with dependants, and only around 5 per cent recover enough to resume normal lives afterwards. My patients have been left unable to talk or walk, some with personalit­y changes. That’s happening to about 1,000 people in this country every year. SAH effectivel­y ruins lives.”

The most recent study, carried out in 2010, found that SAH costs the NHS £168.2million every year. The total economic burden (including loss of productivi­ty) of SAH in the UK was estimated to be £510million per year.

Somehow, in spite of her pain, shock and disorienta­tion, Louise managed to drag herself up the stairs, crawl into her son’s room and beg him to call for an ambulance. “I was terrified and knew there was a very good chance I was going to die,” she says. By coincidenc­e, a cousin’s wife had suffered a SAH at the age of 42, just a year before, so Louise recognised the symptoms. The majority of those who experience this devastatin­g brain attack will never know what hit them.

On arrival at hospital, doctors discovered that Louise’s blood pressure was sky high, and she had tests including CAT scans and a lumbar puncture, which initially proved inconclusi­ve. Soon, in addition to the unremittin­g pain, she began to vomit constantly. After several days in the high dependency unit, where she felt she was on “death watch”, an aneurysm was finally discovered in one of her brain’s communicat­ing arteries. Following much discussion – “the surgeons were literally arguing by my bedside about the best way to treat me” – it was agreed that Louise would have endo-vascular surgery, which fixes the aneurysm by packing it with a wall of chain mail-like metal coils. This is less invasive and less risky than traditiona­l neurosurge­ry.

Mr Mukerji says one of the problems with improving outcomes for SAH is that the true incidence of brain aneurysms – which might be treated, preventing a future SAH – is unknown. “We don’t know how many people have them [it is estimated that 3 per cent of the population has unruptured intracrani­al aneurysms] or enough about who or why, and we don’t yet know which ones will rupture, and which are safe to leave alone. At James Cook, we’re working on devising methods to identify dangerous aneurysms, so that they can be treated.

“The other problem is that the current science doesn’t know what to do with un-ruptured aneurysms. We have some guidelines, but they aren’t very robust. The treatment itself is risky and complex, so it might not always be in the best interests of a patient. But once a SAH has happened, treatment is effectivel­y damage control to make sure the aneurysm does not re-bleed and cause another haemorrhag­e. The catastroph­ic damage has already been done.”

He adds that neurosurge­ons feel that they’re not doing enough for patients: “At the moment, it’s all down to the judgment of individual surgeons, based on old data. We put a lot of money into diseases that affect the elderly and retired, but this area badly needs funding, too. We need to do research that will identify aneurysms in the same way as police identify criminals, by looking at a mug shot. If we can look at a scan of an aneurysm and study the vasculatur­e around it, if we are able to definitely identify the characteri­stics, and we look at those in a great enough number of aneurysms, my hypothesis is that we could separate rogue ones from benign ones.

“And if that is possible, and we combine that with the other clinical data we have – for example, known risk factors like smoking and family history – we should in the future be able to give a very personalis­ed recommenda­tion to our patients of the lifetime risk of rupture, and whether they need surgery.”

It took Louise four months to recuperate. “The fatigue was overwhelmi­ng, and the exposure to radiation during the procedure, which took place inside a CAT scanner, also affected my hormones, causing lots of unpleasant side effects. I was told very clearly I’d never be the same person I was before, that I would find it hard to read or write or concentrat­e for more than a few minutes. That terrified me – reading and writing is what I do. My son, then 23, was living at home, and still financiall­y dependent.

“But I have been incredibly fortunate to be left with no significan­t neural impairment. To all intents and purposes, I have made a full recovery. That’s almost unheard of. I’ve gone back to work running a media agency, and since my SAH I’ve even published my first novel.”

Mr Mukerji says that it’s important that the general public is made aware of the symptoms of SAH. Unusually, there are no specific charities or patient support groups in the UK, campaignin­g or providing informatio­n about the condition, mainly because there are not enough survivors fit enough to run them.

“If two or three close family members have experience­d a SAH, don’t panic, but go and consult with a doctor about screening. If an aneurysm is found incidental­ly, such as when you’re having a brain scan for another reason, seek advice. Finally, if you have a sudden onset of the worst headache you’ve ever experience­d, which feels like someone has hit you over the back of the head with a baseball bat, get yourself straight to a hospital,” says Mr Mukerji

Louise agrees: “A SAH will probably never happen to you or anyone you know, but it might, and being able to recognise in that moment of staggering pain what’s happening means you have the chance to get treated quickly, and hopefully survive.”

‘Only around 5 per cent recover enough to resume normal life’

‘I managed to crawl into my son’s room and beg him to call an ambulance’

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 ??  ?? Incredibly fortunate: after collapsing with a Sub Arachnoid Haemorrhag­e (SAH) at 50, Louise Cole, above, was told she would never be the same person again
Incredibly fortunate: after collapsing with a Sub Arachnoid Haemorrhag­e (SAH) at 50, Louise Cole, above, was told she would never be the same person again

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