The Daily Telegraph

Prime Minister death threat suspect in dock

- By Ben Farmer

A TERROR suspect accused of plotting to assassinat­e the Prime Minister in a Downing Street bomb and knife attack appeared in court for the first time yesterday.

The alleged plot would have involved detonating a bomb at the security gates, before following up with a knife and pepper spray, Westminste­r magistrate­s’ court was told.

Naa’imur Zakariyah Rahman, 20, appeared to face two charges of engaging in conduct in preparatio­n of terrorist acts, alongside Mohammed Aqib Imran, 21, who is accused of trying to join Islamic State group in Libya.

Mark Carroll, prosecutin­g, said: “It is said Rahman planned to detonate an improvised explosive device within a bag at the gates of Downing Street and then seek to gain access to No 10 in the ensuing chaos with a view to trying to kill the Prime Minister.

“The secondary attack on No 10 was to be carried out with a suicide vest, pepper spray and a knife. His purpose was to attack, kill and cause explosions.

“The second and linked allegation involves Imran trying to obtain a fake passport in order to leave the United Kingdom with a view to travelling to Libya for hijrah (holy migration).”

The two defendants spoke to confirm their names, ages and addresses and gave no indication to their pleas at this stage.

Both were remanded in custody to appear at the Old Bailey on Dec 20.

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