The Daily Telegraph

Green to learn fate within 48 hours


DAMIAN GREEN is likely to learn the outcome of an inquiry into allegation­s of misconduct within the next 48 hours amid suggestion­s it will focus on his outright denial that pornograph­y was found on his office computer.

Mr Green, the First Secretary of State and Theresa May’s de facto deputy, was accused by former police officers of having thousands of pornograph­ic images on his office computer. He was also accused of making inappropri­ate advances to a female journalist.

There have been suggestion­s that Mr Green is likely to be cleared because the alleged incidents took place while he was not a minister, ruling out the possibilit­y that he breached the ministeria­l code.

However, The Daily Telegraph understand­s that Sue Gray, director general of the propriety and ethics team, has focused significan­t attention on Mr Green’s response to the allegation­s.

On Nov 4, Mr Green issued a statement which said: “This story is completely untrue and comes from a tainted and untrustwor­thy source.

“The police have never suggested to me that improper material was found on my Parliament­ary computer, nor did I have a ‘private’ computer as has been claimed. The allegation­s about the material and computer, now nine years old, are false, disreputab­le smears.”

He appeared to shift ground after Sir Paul Stephenson, the former Met Police Commission­er, confirmed that he was informed detectives had found pornograph­ic material on a work computer in Mr Green’s office.

Mr Green subsequent­ly issued a second statement, this time appearing to concede that porn had been found on the computer, but denying that he had downloaded it or viewed it at all.

He said: “As I have said throughout, I did not put or view pornograph­y on the computers taken from my office.” It is understood Mr Green maintains he has not changed his position on the matter. The ministeria­l code requires ministers to “behave in a way that upholds the highest standards of propriety”.

Earlier this month, a former Scotland Yard detective who seized a computer from Mr Green’s office in a police raid in 2008 said he had “absolutely no doubt whatsoever” that the Tory MP had accessed pornograph­ic images on it. Neil Lewis, the man who examined Mr Green’s parliament­ary computer, said it would be “ridiculous to suggest that anybody else could have done it”.

Mr Lewis claimed that he had found “thousands” of images on the computer. Asked how he could be sure that Mr Green had accessed the material, he told the BBC: “The computer was in Mr Green’s office, on his desk, logged in, it is his account, his name, in between browsing pornograph­y he was sending emails from his account and it was ridiculous to suggest that anybody else could have done it.”

A spokesman for the First Secretary of State said: “It would be inappropri­ate for Mr Green to comment on these allegation­s while the Cabinet Office investigat­ion is ongoing; however, from the outset he has been very clear that he never watched or downloaded pornograph­y on the computers seized from his office. He maintains his innocence of these charges and awaits the outcome of the investigat­ion.”

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