The Daily Telegraph

Time to start arguing for Conservati­ve ideas

- Establishe­d 1855

It was unfortunat­e that Chris Grayling, the Transport Secretary, was overseas yesterday. It left the field clear for Labour spokesmen to take to the airwaves and exploit popular anger over the rise in rail fares in order to promote the party’s policy of renational­ising the train network. Managers of rail companies tried their best to put the case for a privately run system. Paul Plummer, the chief executive of the Rail Delivery Group, which represents train operators, said Britons should be “proud” of the companies for creating jobs and investing in a network that had previously been starved of cash. However, since they may have to negotiate with a Labour government, they could not be expected to make political points.

Government ministers who could take the argument to Labour were thin on the ground – even though it had been apparent ever since July’s inflation figures, which are used to calculate ticket prices, that the new year would bring a renewed assault on the privatisat­ion model. Mr Grayling was in Qatar banging the drum for UK aviation but none of his juniors were apparently prepared to put themselves in the line of fire. This vacuum allowed Andy Mcdonald, the shadow transport secretary, to make the running. It did not help matters that he was stranded on a broken-down train, which acted as a useful prop for his specious arguments.

With the dawn of a new year, Theresa May’s Government is in no different a predicamen­t than before. Without a Commons majority, it is hard to advocate any radical new policies that would get through Parliament. But that must not stop her ministers from forcefully championin­g Conservati­ve ideas, or Jeremy Corbyn will win the arguments by default.

The Tories may think that madcap socialism is self-evidently so destructiv­e that it will be rejected by the country, but they thought that at the election last June and yet Labour won 40 per cent of the votes. The fact that Mr Corbyn has failed to pull well ahead in the polls is no excuse for complacenc­y. Ministers need to be out today defending their NHS policies from the inevitable Labour attack.

Mr Corbyn wants people to believe the capitalist system is rigged against them and that squeezing the well-off through higher taxes is the answer to the country’s problems. The Conservati­ves need to explain to voters why he is wrong.

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