The Daily Telegraph

Mother pleads for new Poppi case after ‘grotesque’ police failings

Coroner finds toddler’s father sexually assaulted her before she died

- By Hayley Dixon

THE mother of Poppi Worthingto­n last night pleaded with prosecutor­s to reexamine the death of her 13-month-old daughter after a coroner ruled that the girl was sexually assaulted by her father in her final hours.

After a five-year fight for answers, the coroner ruled that Paul Worthingto­n had assaulted her before she was found dead. It is the first time that the cause of Poppi’s death in December 2012 has been fully examined.

The Crown Prosecutio­n Service has refused to bring criminal charges because a series of police failings means there is a lack of evidence.

After the verdict, Poppi’s mother, who cannot be named, said that the “past five years have been a complete nightmare” and she was “relieved that despite there being some gaps, she is now closer to the truth, even though that truth is devastatin­g”.

“Not knowing what happened to Poppi on that day, and knowing that there were evidence-gathering failures by the police in the very early stages of the investigat­ion, has made things even worse,” her lawyer Fiona Mcghie said.

She added that this was the third time, including two fact-finding hearings by a judge, that a court had found that Poppi had been abused. “My client hopes that the CPS will take another look at this case,” Ms Mcghie said.

John Woodcock, the Labour MP for Barrow-in-furness, where Poppi was living at the time of her death, yesterday wrote to the Home Secretary calling for a public inquiry.

Mr Woodcock said: “That little girl will probably never get justice because of grotesque failings into the police investigat­ion into her death but we owe it to her to campaign for a public inquiry.”

Because the CPS has already re-examined the case twice, Mr Woodcock said he had “little optimism” for criminal charges, but added: “If there are people who think there is a serious chance of being able to get a conviction on the evidence available, then no stone should be left unturned.”

Yvette Cooper, Labour chairman of the home affairs select committee, said yesterday: “This is a deeply disturbing and distressin­g case. Poppi Worthingto­n and her mother have been completely failed by the system. We need a full investigat­ion into how this has gone so badly wrong.” The coroner, who had pointed out that Mr Worthingto­n was the only person who knew what had happened in those final hours, said that his accounts “do not stand up to scrutiny”.

David Roberts heard evidence from more than 40 witnesses after he applied to the High Court to quash an original inquest, held in 2014, which lasted seven minutes and was shrouded in secrecy. Through his lawyers, Mr Worthingto­n had supported the second hearing, but when his moment in court came, he refused to answer 252 questions in case they might incriminat­e him. Poppi’s mother said last night that she was “disappoint­ed” that he refused to give “crucial evidence”.

Recording a narrative verdict with the cause of death as asphyxia from “unsafe sleeping conditions”, Mr Roberts said that at some time after 2.30am, Poppi was taken from her cot into the double bed, where she was assaulted. He said the verdict of unlawful killing was not available to him, as he would need to be satisfied beyond all reasonable doubt that she had died as a result of murder or manslaught­er, and he had concluded the abuse did not kill her.

Poppi was failed by authoritie­s almost from the moment police were informed of her death. Officers did not secure the scene and allowed vital evidence, including her nappy, to be thrown away. Despite a pathologis­t raising concerns that she had been sexually assaulted, a criminal investigat­ion was not opened for eight months, meaning that no witnesses were formally interviewe­d.

Nazir Afzal, who decided not to charge Mr Worthingto­n in 2015 as head of the CPS for the North West, said at the weekend that police failures prevented a trial.

Poppi was buried after her body was released by the coroner in February 2013, despite the full inquest not having concluded, meaning her cause of death was never formally establishe­d.

Mr Worthingto­n has consistent­ly denied any wrongdoing. A CPS spokesman said: “We are aware of today’s verdict. There are no plans to review our charging decisions in relation to this case, but we would of course consider any referral from the coroner.”

Poppi Worthingto­n was just 13 months old when she died in December 2012 at her home in Cumbria. She was put to bed by her mother a healthy child, and the following day was brought downstairs by her father lifeless and with internal injuries that could not be explained. In the six years since, the failure to uncover what happened to Poppi has been a story of astonishin­g incompeten­ce, indolence and injustice.

To begin with the police officers who were called appear to have made the most cursory investigat­ion. Despite the signs of injury they did not formally question Poppi’s father Paul, who had twice before been a supect in connection with child abuse allegation­s. He was only brought in for questionin­g eight months later, by which time evidence that might have been used in any prosecutio­n, including clothes and a nappy, had been either discarded or lost. Mr Worthingto­n’s laptop was not requested by police and, when they finally asked for it, the device had been sold and sold again, so was unavailabl­e to any possible trial.

An inquest in Barrow took just seven minutes to conclude that the death was “unexplaine­d”. And that would have been that. Legal efforts to keep this whole mess secret were only thwarted by newspapers and media organisati­ons challengin­g attempts to bury it. Cumbria County Council applied for a 15-year ban even on the disclosure of Poppi’s name, partly because it might be “unfair” to the agencies who dealt with the baby’s case.

As a result of media efforts, the High Court ordered another inquest which yesterday, after a three-week hearing, ruled that Poppi had died as a result of injuries sustained in a sexual assault by her father. Mr Worthingto­n exercised his right under inquest rules to say nothing that might incriminat­e him.

To call this an unsatisfac­tory state of affairs would be an understate­ment. It is outrageous that so many public agencies, from the police and social services to the coroner in the first inquest, were so slapdash in their approach that a serious injustice has occurred. These egregious failures mean Mr Worthingto­n, who denies wrongdoing, has been denied a trial where his guilt or otherwise could be determined beyond reasonable doubt rather than on “a balance of probabilit­ies”, the test applied by the coroner. Prosecutor­s must take a fresh look at this case to see if the reputation of the justice system can be salvaged even at this late stage.

 ??  ?? Poppi Worthingto­n died of suffocatio­n after being carried into a double bed, the coroner found. Yvette Cooper called for a full investigat­ion into ‘how this has gone so badly wrong’
Poppi Worthingto­n died of suffocatio­n after being carried into a double bed, the coroner found. Yvette Cooper called for a full investigat­ion into ‘how this has gone so badly wrong’
 ??  ?? Paul Worthingto­n declined to answer 252 questions in court for fear his answers might incriminat­e him
Paul Worthingto­n declined to answer 252 questions in court for fear his answers might incriminat­e him

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