The Daily Telegraph

Man kept £25,000 gold watch delivered in error

- By Luke Heighton

A MAN who had a gold watch worth £25,000 delivered to his home by mistake after a courier mix-up was arrested after he decided to keep it.

Michael Bold was surprised to receive the valuable rose gold Patek Philippe timepiece after it arrived at his home near Mold in north Wales rather than its intended destinatio­n, Boodles fine jewellers in Knightsbri­dge, London.

He initially set the watch to one side at work, while he waited to see if anyone came forward to claim it.

But then, rather than alerting the company’s office in Dublin, where the parcel originated, he opted to keep the Swiss-made 18-carat watch, which he stashed under a seat in his car.

He resolved to give the watch, which had been incorrectl­y labelled, as a Christmas gift, but panicked when he learned of its high value, magistrate­s in Llandudno heard.

Police tracked the luxury item to the 47-year-old’s home after it was reported missing by its owners.

Bold confessed immediatel­y, and the watch was returned, “fortunatel­y for the defendant”, James Nearly, prosecutin­g, told the court.

Research suggests the number of misdeliver­ed items has increased in recent years, as the volume of online orders rises, according to consumer groups.

Dafydd Roberts, defending, said his client had never previously been in trouble and was “a family man”.

“This isn’t the type of man who would do that normally,” he said. “In a strange way he was almost glad when police knocked on his door,” he added.

Bold received a 14-week suspended jail term and was ordered to complete 200 hours unpaid work and pay £200 costs after admitting theft.

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