The Daily Telegraph

North Korea outraged by ‘riff-raff ’ protesters

- By Nick Allen in Washington

NORTH KOREA has demanded South Korea apologise for “despicable, conservati­ve riff-raff ” protesters who burned an image of Kim Jong-un in Seoul.

The incident threatened to undermine an agreement that athletes from North Korea would attend the Pyeongchan­g Winter Olympics in South Korea next month. Organisers had sought to promote the event as a “Peace Olympics”, to open a door for dialogue.

But a group of right-wing activists set the image of Mr Kim on fire at a rally in Seoul on Monday, along with the North’s national flag, prompting a denunciati­on by Pyongyang.

It came as North Korean officials ended a rare trip to the South to prepare for planned concerts by their artistic troupes during the games.

North Korea’s Committee for the Peaceful Reunificat­ion of the Country called the protesters “human rejects devoid of appearance as human beings” and added: “They are a despicable group of gangsters in human form.”

In a statement it accused the protesters of committing “a never-to-be-condoned hideous crime” and said they were the “dregs of history” and “conservati­ve riff-raffs”. It added that Seoul should “throw overboard the rubbish so that they would not give off a stinking smell anymore” and “apologise before the nation”.

It described the protests as a deliberate attempt to turn the Olympics into a “theatre for escalating confrontat­ion”.

If North Korea’s participat­ion in the games was cancelled the blame would rest “wholly with the South Korean authoritie­s”, the statement said.

Park Soo-hyun, South Korea’s presidenti­al spokesman, said: “The people have to all work together. Let us welcome the guests as dignified hosts.”

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