The Daily Telegraph

Army chaplain cleared of raping parishione­r at abbey


AN ARMY chaplain and priest who was accused of raping a parishione­r and leaving her pregnant has been cleared of wrongdoing after a church court dismissed allegation­s that they had had a sexual relationsh­ip.

The woman said the Rev Timothy Blewett had “forced himself upon her and had sexual intercours­e with her” in the woods at Launde Abbey, a Christian retreat where he was warden at the time. The married woman said she became pregnant but later miscarried.

The Bishop’s Disciplina­ry Tribunal in the diocese of Leicester ruled that it was “not satisfied on the balance of probabilit­ies, that the respondent had an improper sexual relationsh­ip” with the woman. However, a spokesman said that despite being cleared Mr Blewett, who has toured Bosnia and Iraq with the Territoria­l Army, was still barred from officiatin­g in the diocese.

The allegation was first reported to police after a “third party” contacted officers in 2014, but the complainan­t “did not disclose any criminal offence and there was no further police action”, said Judge Philip Waller.

The pair met when the woman visited the abbey on a retreat in November 2011, and Mr Blewett became her “spiritual director”. They met again several times in 2012.

On one occasion, the woman told the court, the pair went for a walk in the grounds of the Abbey, and “lay together in the woods and kissed passionate­ly”. She said Mr Blewett then pulled down her trousers and pants and had sexual intercours­e with her, which she had not wanted.

Despite taking the morning-after pill she became pregnant, she claimed, and knew the child could not be her husband’s “as he was unable to ejaculate”.

Mr Blewett said the incident in the woods did not take place, as he had been with his Army unit in the Welsh borders that weekend, and produced a payslip showing this.

A court judgment found that “the complainan­t has not discharged the burden of proving the allegation of sexual impropriet­y on the part of the respondent”. However, Mr Blewett “did not take sufficient account” of the “vulnerabil­ity” of the woman, it said, and entered into “a degree of friendship beyond spiritual direction”.

Mr Blewett declined to comment when contacted yesterday.

In an interview with the Church Times in 2010, he spoke of the three children he has with his wife, Anne, and how difficult it was for them when he was in Iraq in 2003-4. “I’d like to be locked in a church with my family,” he said. “Because I’m a workaholic and have a wonderful, all-consuming job, I probably don’t spend as much time as I should enjoying them.”

 ??  ?? The Rev Timothy Blewett was cleared of wrongdoing after being accused of raping a parishione­r, leaving her pregnant
The Rev Timothy Blewett was cleared of wrongdoing after being accused of raping a parishione­r, leaving her pregnant

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