The Daily Telegraph

Ninety feared drowned as boat capsizes off Libyan coast

- By Nick Squires in Rome

UP TO 90 migrants were feared to have drowned off the coast of Libya yesterday after their boat capsized.

The vessel, owned by smugglers, was due to take the migrants, mostly Pakistani, towards Italy but sank not far from the Libyan coast. The bodies of 10 victims were reported to have washed up on the shore, eight of them Pakistani and two Libyan.

At least two people survived the shipwreck and swam to shore while a third was rescued by a passing fishing boat, officials said.

There has been a recent increase in the number of Pakistanis trying to make the crossing from Libya to Italy. Last year, just over 3,100 Pakistanis reached Italy by sea, making them the 13th largest migrant nationalit­y. This year they are already the third most numerous nationalit­y – around 240 having made the crossing in January.

Olivia Headon, from the Internatio­nal Organisati­on for Migration, said: “It’s quite a jump in numbers but it is unclear whether it will be a trend that will continue throughout the rest of the year.”

Traffickin­g networks are quick to identify new markets, routes and nationalit­ies in a highly fluid situation.

“Smugglers sell migrants the idea of Europe as a kind of paradise. They are very good salesmen. Migrants may know the risks of the sea crossing but they think it will be worth it,” she said.

Last year 119,000 migrants and refugees managed to reach Italy, most of them after being rescued at sea. The year before, 181,000 made it to Italy.

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