The Daily Telegraph



From Leonard Spray. Rotterdam, Monday

If in Berlin any real public satisfacti­on is felt over the results of the Government’s Eastern manoeuvrin­gs, it has not expressed itself in outward jubilation­s and demonstrat­ions beyond the display of a few flags from Government buildings. “Shall we get more food?” was the question on most people’s lips when the news of the Ukraine agreement was published. All the newspapers, evidently on Government inspiratio­n, warn the public against premature expectatio­ns of economic advantages. It is pointed out that it is unknown whether, after the long period of war, the Ukraine has any superfluou­s food supplies. Above all, emphasis is laid on the tremendous transport difficulti­es. The Kovel-kieff line is the only railway likely to be available for a long time. The Kölnische Zeitung, commenting on the lack of public enthusiasm, says: “It is realised that a long road has to be travelled and great sacrifices yet to be made before the last peace treaty can be concluded. We are under no illusions as to the blindness and warlike decision of our enemies, and in Berlin it is known only too well that this formal conclusion of peace by no means delivers us from all the war miseries.” The

Deutsche Tageszeitu­ng describes as the chief necessity of the moment “keeping out of the revolution­ary infection.” With regard to food, the paper believes that not before next autumn will any extra supplies reach Germany.

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